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3rd pov

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3rd pov

"hey georg." tom said to his best friend, georg looked up from the tv to look at tom walking towards the couch and sitting next to him.

"what's up ?" georg asked tom.

"i was watching this interview right, and this super cute chick, was being interviewed and was all interested in our stuff, but specifically you." tom told georg with a smirk, georg gave him a bit of a confused look.

"do you know who it was ?" georg asked, tom made a thinking face for a second then made a face as he remembered who it was.

"her name was.. oh what was it, OH! Venus her name was Venus Aguilar !" tom said.

"she uhh an actress and a singer." georg gave him a curious look.

"what are we talking about." bill asked as he walked into the room the pair was in, he sat on another little couch close to them.

"ohh just how this super hot chick has a crush on georg." tom said with a smirk, georg hit toms arm playfully.

"she does not." georg said rolling his eyes.

"oh your talking about venus, oh yeah i watched her interview, i've met her like once or twice, she's super nice, but honestly i don't think toms wrong, when we first met she said something about you i can't really remember." bill explained to georg, georg gave a bit of a shocked face and shook his head.

"well anyways do you wanna hear some of her music ? i think she's really good." bill asked the pair, they both nodded, bill got up to go and get his laptop as tom and georg waited for bill, they were both interested in this venus girl and wanted to hear her music, and wanted to figure her out, mostly georg.

"okayyy, and here." bill said as he came back, opened his laptop and went to play her music. He opened youtube and found a video of one of her live performances. As they watched the live performance georg couldn't help but blush at how pretty she is.

"ugh i love this song from her." bill said as he held his face with his hands and leaned on his elbows.

"wow she's hot." tom said as he leaned back on the couch, still watching venus's performance from bills laptop.

"yeah." georg mumbled a bit, his eyes locked on venus as she sang her song highschool sweethearts. The trio finished watching the performance and bill played more of her songs for georg and tom, some of the stuff was also new to bill so they were all listening to her music.

"i gotta admit she's a pretty good singer." tom said shrugging.

"and she's hot, but more like that cute hot." tom told his best friend and his brother, they nodded agreeing with him.

"ugh i love her music honestly, she so pretty, i wanna meet her again! what did you think georg?" bill said as he looked at georg for an answer, as the twins look at one of their best friends they saw him spaced out.

"georg? Georg!" bill yelled a but which snapped georg out of his thoughts.

"oh what, yeah?" georg asked the twins, they both chuckled at georg, knowing exactly how he felt about venus.

"what did you think of venus?" bill asked him again. Georg shrugged.

"she's cute and sings good." georg said nonchalantly as he leaned back on the couch, bill rolled his eyes playfully at george's words.

"you guys would make a cute couple honestly." bill said, tom nodded his head and pointed a finger at his younger brother as in a way of saying 'yes'.

"oh shut up you two." georg said as he rolled his eyes and got up from the couch stretching a bit from sitting for so long because they listened to the girls music.

"well ima get going now, see y'all later, bye." georg said as he grabbed his jacket from one of the chairs and waved bye to the twins. They told georg bye back and waved as well, then waited for him to go out the door before they continued talking.

"we definitely have to find a way to get them to meet." bill said to tom, tom nodded his head agreeing.

"yes, definitely, but you know sometimes georg can be like to obviously that's what sucks." tom said to his younger brother, bill nodded knowing tom was right, they could see it in georg's eyes that he had interest in the girl just didn't want to admit it.

"well, we'll figure out a way to get them together." bill said nodding his head confidently, tom nodded his head back at his brother.

"for sure, we just need to figure out a plan to get them together.."



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^^imagine her with blonde and black instead

800 words
( chapter 2 done, just know that for this story i will be using blonde and black hair melanie, so i'll use some videos of her with different hair just imagine it's her with her blonde and black hair pls!)

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