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her look is at the top !!

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her look is at the top !!

3rd pov

"ugh i swear sometimes i just really hate interviews." venus complained on the phone to her best friend, jade let out a 'mhmm', she knew what it was like cause she was an actress.

"i know, like why do they have to be so grilling, like a couple weeks ago when i had one, they brought up a photo of me looking like a bum and asked if i was going through something, like what!" jade complained, venus laughed at that as she closed the door to her car, she had just finished another interview, her manager was having her do so many interviews due to her new album that was set to come out and venus hated all the interviews.

"yeah but i mean oh well who cares what they think, but we all still on for tonight?" venus asked, it was the girls 19th birthday and they were all going out to dinner.

"yes of course v, but i will say i do have a little surprise for you tonight." venus raised one of her eyebrows at that and sat still, thinking what could this surprise be?

"well okay then, i have to go now though, gotta get ready j." venus
said to jade as she started her car. They said their goodbyes and i love you's then hung up. As venus drove back to her she couldn't help but wonder what this surprise was gonna be.


Venus smoothed out her pants as she looked in the mirror, jade was supposed to pick her up along with the rest of her friend group. It was around 11 pm, her birthday was in less than an hour, and she would officially be 19, she couldn't believe all she achieved just before the age of 20 she was be-

"com on v! i'm here." jades voice broke venus out of her thoughts, she huffed out a breathe of frustration because her train of thoughts being broken but oh well.

"come on v we gotta go !" jade said out of breathe as she opened venus's bedroom door, venus nodded then grabbed her purse and her coat, and quickly rushed out of the room with jade, they ran down the stairs giggling, excited for the night.

"happy early birthday v." tommy said as he kissed her cheek after she settled getting into the front seat of the car.

"thank you tommy." venus said smiling, her eye dimples being present just a tad.

"happy early birthday bitch." fleur said as she placed her head on the passenger seat, and then wrapped her arms around venus neck, she giggled and placed a hand on fleur's arm as a way of returning the hug.

"NOW LETS GO !" venus yelled as she turned up the radio, and tommy back out of her driveway then sped to the restaurant. They sang along to the songs on the radio as they drove to the restaurant.

"okay v i'm gonna put this blindfold on you, no peeking!" fleur said as she opened venus's door, she nodded then fleur placed the blindfold on her eyes careful of the girls make up.

"we're gonna guide you in there okay." she heard the sound of jade's voice say, venus nodded and slowly stood up, she felt another pair of arms wrap around her left arm. Both fleur and jade guided venus to the front entrance of the restaurant, tommy walked in front of them and opened the door, they all walked in. Jade slowly undid the blind fold and all venus saw was black, then she heard footsteps and the lights turn on.



718 words
(okay guys i'm slowly updating again, i hope y'all enjoyed this one, i been spending a lot of day thinking what i wanna do with this story and ik now, so just know that the melanie used in this story is the k-12 melanie with the blonde hair, and i am using this one for a specific reason, also this story will have two parts, we are only in the first part and i'm so excited for part 2, i love you all, stay healthy and hydrated!)

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