Chapter 2: Coincidence

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"Avery Molina, give me one damn reason why I shouldn't kill you right now." I state angrily. "She was just some chick, we have to go" she says as she drags me to the taxi she had called.

She wasn't just some chick. At least she didn't feel like one. Part of me regrets that I didn't catch her number while another knows that I'll forget her once I wake up tomorrow.

"Is everything okay?" I ask as we get inside the taxi.

"My parents found out I snuck out" she sighs "they're gonna kill me, Jade" she flops back against the seat.

Avery's parents are the definition of strict. Avery lost her older brother in a car accident a few years ago. Ever since then, her parents have been stern about her outings. I completely understand, but sometimes it gets too extreme.

"Just say that it was my idea" I tell her and she raises an eyebrow at me, "you really think they're gonna believe that?"

"Probably not" I sigh then the taxi stops at my house. "I'm sorry dude, good luck" i say as I give her a hug then step out of the vehicle, "if you don't see me at school tomorrow, it means I died" she says and I laugh.

The car drives off then I walk to my driveway. I unlock the door and sigh out of relief as I take my heels off. I make my way to my bedroom and start to get ready for bed. It is now 1:40am and the drinking is starting to catch up with me. I take off my dress while looking in the mirror, recalling the woman that had a chokehold on me tonight.

I wonder if I'll ever see her again.

I yawn as I remove my makeup then wash my face. Once I'm done, I head to bed and crawl in. I set my alarm, my head is still pounding, "how am I going to wake up in 5 hours" i sigh then out my phone on my night stand and lay down.

I catch myself thinking of her again and soon enough, drift to sleep.


I groan as I hear my alarm go off. I turn and grab it to check the time. My eyes widen and my
body shoots up, "8?! FUCK" I quickly get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I'm almost over an hour late to school. Great. Way to start your final year, Jade. I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face. I then head to my dresser and put on my uniform. Yes, we have uniform unfortunately. I put on my button shirt and slip on my navy skirt. Lastly, I grab my matching tie and put it on as well, loosening it a little.

Generally speaking, I'm a femme, but I have no issue with being masc sometimes as well.

I grab my phone and backpack then rush to my car. I get inside and skip the music for today. I zoom through as fast as I can. Luckily, there was no traffic because everyone must already be at work or school. Arriving to school at last, I park my car then rush off to class. I had missed the first class which was English. "Now I have... maths. Just how I wanted to start my day." I say looking though my timetable.

Come to think of it, we are supposed to have a new maths teacher because Mr. Greg finally retired.

Hopefully this teacher is better at teaching and less old...

I arrive to class and the door is already closed. I nervously knock. I wanted to start this year perfectly and being late is not a very good first impression. As I let my thoughts continue, the door finally opens. My eyes are looking down, "I'm sorry I'm late" I say as I step in but I end up bumping into the teacher, "what the?" I say lifting my hands as I back away.

You're joking.

It can't be. It's not her... is it? I look as we exchange equally shocked faces. Blonde hair with darker roots and beautiful, confused blue eyes. It has to be her.

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