Chapter 5: Why Are You Here?

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6pm, Employee Bathrooms.

I lean over the sink, looking at myself in the mirror.

Dirty, miserable and on the verge of tears.

It's times like these where I wish I had my parents still. Where I could run to my mom's arms and tell her about the shitty day I had. Where I could complain to my dad and he would stand up for me.

"Jade, are you okay? Why is the door locked?" One of the staff says. The door handle budges but I wasn't ready to let anyone in. Not in this state.

"Jade I took care of it, please open the door" I hear Jed plead.

I look back up at the mirror once more. In a moment of rage and sadness, I find my fist crushed against the wall mirror.

Filled with adrenaline, I look at my first.


Oh well, it mixes well with the sauce.

Shattered glass everywhere. What have I done? Worst of all, the adrenaline is wearing off and my knuckles are starting to sting.

Good one, Jade.

"Monroe? Can I come in?" I hear a feminine voice as I look at the door.

Ms. Sierra.

I walk closer to the door, "go away" I simply say. My voice slightly cracking.

"I just want to make sure you're okay" her voice softer than usual. It seems more... sincere. "Please?" She trails.

I close my eyes sighing, my hand uncontrollably reaching for the lock. I didn't want anyone to see me in this embarrassing state, let alone her. So why am I opening the door? Why can't I stop?

I unlock the door and back away to towards the sink. The door creaks as it opens slowly, her head carefully poking through. She looks at me before looking at my surroundings, blood, glass, pasta. It's a bloody murder scene, "it's okay I've got this" she says to the others as she closes the door behind her.

Her eyes soften as she walks towards me. I watch her  pick up my injured hand but I pull away quickly turning my back away from her, "why are you here?" My voice just above a whisper.

She puts a hand to my shoulder turning me back around, "I saw what happened. I had to check on you" she then takes her scarf off then wraps it around my hand.

"I'm fine, you can go now" I roll my eyes.

She tightens the knot around my hand making me hiss slightly, "don't be stubborn, Monroe"

"Oh so I'm stupid AND stubborn now?"

She tilts her head in slight confusion then crosses her arms, "are you seriously mad about detention?" She asks.

"Just leave me alone" I walk towards the door but she pushes me gently back against the wall. I look at her as she holds me in place, "I wasn't done."

There it is. There's her signature cold tone and siren eyes that are staring right into my soul. Gosh she's hot.

I hated the way that she's able to have control over me in such a short period. I hated the way that she looked so good in whatever she wore, which if you're curious, it was a maroon pantsuit that perfectly fitted her. I hated the way that despite how she made me feel, I wanted to kiss her so badly.

"Go on then. What do you want?" I ask trying to leave her obstruction but she pins me back in place. I wasn't trying hard to be honest, but she was still strong.

She looks at me and slowly leans in, my eyes widen slightly before quickly shutting. What is happening right now?

Is she gonna kiss me?

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