Chapter 3: What Now?

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12pm, lunch break.

It was finally time for lunch break. I headed to my locker to empty my bag and noticed Avery is there.

"Peekaboo!" I whisper as I wrap my arms around her from behind.

She jumps slightly putting a hand to her chest, "FUCK JADE DON'T DO THAT BRO" she yells and I giggle.

"Love you too!" I release her and open my locker, putting some books in, "so you made it out alive?"

"Yeah I just told them you were having a hard time and wanted company. I had to chew like 5 pieces of gum to hide the alcohol smell"

"At least your jawline looks better" I say and she rolls her eyes.

We continue chatting and I see Artemis approaching us from behind. She hugs Avery as I did and she jumps again.

"Gosh why do people keep doing that?" V asks while turning, "Artemis?! When did you get back?"

"I see you're as wussy as ever" she laughs and shoots me a smile which I return. "I got here a week ago, I wanted to end my senior year in a familiar place with you guys" she continues.

Avery squeals and pulls us all in a hug "we're gonna have so much fun together!" She excitedly exclaims. "Hey have you guys seen the new maths teacher? Apparently she's a total hot show"

I can feel my face get warmer at the topic of Sasha— Ms. Sierra. I shake my head slightly bringing myself out of my thoughts, "she's alright" I simply say.

"Nah she's fine AND stern but she totally has it out for Jade the poor thing" Artemis comments, putting a hand to my shoulder.

Speak of the devil.

I glance between the girls and notice Ms. Sierra talking to another teacher. She looks so normal and... not bitchy. Her siren eyes fully close when she laughs, that's so cute. She turns her head slightly looking in my direction. Our eyes meet briefly before she flattens her lip and turns back.

I wanna know what's going in her mind.

"I wish I was in your guys' class" Avery groans and I look back at the girls. "Hey we should get food since I have detention later on" I say and they both nod.

We sit down at a table and each grab out our lunches. Clearly, I didn't have much time to bring a proper meal, so all I had was a banana, a cheetos snack pack and a fruit juice.

Artemis looks over at me and extends her hand in front of me "do you still like Shepard's pie, Jade?" She says handing me a container.

"NO WAY" my eyes widen and I quickly accept "how could I get over your mother's famous pie" I say and give her a kiss on the cheek "you're so thoughtful, Arteries, thank you" I smile and I could've swore that she blushed a little.

"You're welcome JJ, though I thought we agreed to ditch that nickname" she takes a bite of her food and I try the pie as well.

"That nickname is a statement of my genius" I proudly say and we all laugh.

"How was Miami?" Avery asks and Artemis begins to tell us some stories. I'm really glad she had a break, that girl has been through a lot. We all have. I can't wait for us to escape this place. Hopefully I can make it out without Sasha getting in the way.

Do I want her in my way? I mean I certainly want her in my bed, I can tell you that for certain.



After two dreadful classes of sports, I finally reached the showers. Yes we have showers at school, and they're not as gross as you may think. I'm great at sport don't get me wrong, but physical conditioning has to be the worst thing ever. I get in and turn on the hot water, letting it drown me completely. I spend about 10 minutes washing then I turn off the water. I dry myself a little then leave the stall. Artemis is already there.

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