Part 17

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Allison's POV

Me and Theo have been talking for a while, what about?

Well we've been talking about our childhoods, cause well his was definitely different to mine I mean his father is Voldemort.

We haven't moved in at the head of my bed and he's at the bottom just sitting there and talking to me.

The suns set we watched it through my window and the sky burst into what seemed like hundreds of different colours. The reds, oranges, yellows, blues and purples streamed through the sky.

While mid conversation we hear a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shout to the door

The door opens and it's the whole group and Atlas.

"Hey guys" I say turning to them

"Hey so we've decided to do the movie night in here cause we have the biggest TV" Molly says

"Yeah that's fine" I say

Everyone piles into the room, me and Theo are still on my bed, Molly and Draco are on Molly's bed, Jake and Daphne are on the floor together next to my bed, Pansy and Blaise are sitting on the floor together next to Mollys bed, Enzo and Theodore are together in the centre of the room, and Atlas he's just sitting on the floor alone.

"So what movie are we watching?" I ask

"Umm we were thinking about the 'After' series" Molly says

"I'm fine with that" I say

Before we put on the movie we decide we need snacks

"I don't mind getting the snacks" I say getting up

"I can go with you" Atlas says standing up

Jake looks at Theo and then Theo pipes up

"I'll go aswell" he stands next to me

I shoot him a Thankyou look while Atlas looks a bit pissed off

We leave my room and head down to the common room when Atlas starts taking

"So Allison is it?"

"Uh yeah" I say

"So why did you transfer here?" He says looking at me

I look at Theo cause I don't want to talk to Atlas there's something off about him I don't know what but there's something there

"There was some complications at her old school so she moved here to be with Jake" Theo says

We're now in the corridor heading to the kitchens

"I think the pretty lady can speak for herself, don't you think?" Atlas says to Theo

"No he's right that's why I moved" i say

"So what's your connection with Evergreen?" He says to me

"Oh Jake, he's my brother" I say

"Oh I never knew Jake has a sister" he says

"I guess he only told his friends cause they all know about me" I say to him with a smile

The rest of the walk was quiet no one said anything that was until we heard filtch.

There was a cupboard so we rushed in there,

It's cramped with just Atlas and Theo in there, there's no way I'm going to fit in there

"Guys how am I supposed to fit?" I ask

This wasn't the plan (M.R x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now