"Sasori, stop slouching and walk with confidence!"
"How can I walk with confidence when I have a brown stain on these white pants?"
"Everyone poops their pants at times!"
"I'm pretty sure people don't have poop stains in their crotch region."
Misaki Ichikatsu strolled casually with a disgruntled redhead. With his shoulders concaving inward, he hid his crotch area under Misaki's grey and black scarf. Misaki chuckled to herself to the side.
Sasori rose an eyebrow. "What?"
"You have a scarf over your crotch... A crochet scarf. And you can also pronounce 'crochet' as CROTCH-et. So you have a CROTCHet scarf over your CROTCH."
"Anyways, so we're going to make a right at that curb. I know a good place that sells pants."
The redhead ruffled the top of her head as she pouted in protest. He continued on despite the glare he received. Pissed, Misaki yanked the scarf from his grasp.
"Misaki, give it back!" the red head exclaimed. Misaki dodged his countless attempts for the cloth, sticking her tongue out mischievously. As he dove in to tackle her, the clever girl stepped to the left and dashed down the sleek sidewalk neighboring the miniature shop boutiques.
"You idiot, come here!"
"I won't take any crap from you! Huehuehue... Get it? Because it looks like you crapped your—-"
"MISAKI, your jokes aren't funny!"
The city commons weren't congested, but it wasn't scarce of shoppers either. Misaki gracefully slipped through her fellow citizens while her companion created a brouhaha towards the civilians and apple carts he demolished as he chased after his crotchet scarf. Gritting his teeth in aggression, the redhead reached seized a stray thread of the scarf. His dignity was diminishing as his brown crotch continued to be displayed to the passer-byers. Ever since he died in the Naruto series his number of fans have been decreasing. He couldn't let the little pride he had left disappear. He needed that scarf.
Sasori jerked back his chance of glory. "Misaki—-!"
Misaki's face glowed red as her knees trembled. "S-Sasori... You see that too, right?"
The redhead's ablazed eyes forced his head to give a slight nod. Three vehicles collided and cried black tears in the middle of an intersection, their heads and sides smashed together. A grey Audi swerved unintentionally to the left, causing a Prius to crash into its hood. Without a breath in between, an SUV veered by the Audi, skinning off its right side. A flame ignited in the center of the trio.
Go Away, Sasori-sensei! (discontinued, sorry comrades :c )
FanfictionDue to the fact that her hopeless friends had completely trashed the art room at her school, Misaki made the choice of pursuing her art hobby at a new school: Aoki High School. The school was pretty normal...except for the fact that her art teacher...