Chapter 2: The Discovery

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Warning: there will be mentions of blood and maybe more I missed if you are uncomfortable with any of these you may leave and you have been warned.

The group krisis will probably be added to the story but the newest group which I think the name is TTT as of will not as of right now.

(there may be grammar mistakes)

Quick summary of the last chapter: Mysta goes out with the boys (Nijisanjien boys) and shoto and while Mysta is out Ike gets kidnapped

Bold talking in a chat means the persons Pov is the one talking the rest will have names (this may sound confusing if it does it should make more sense when you read further in) ( I picked names that should make sense based on their character. For example Vox might be like Demon or Luca might be like Mafia or Pog.

( it's like 11:00 am )

Mysta's Pov

I left and met up with the boys at the arcade " Hey guys! " i yelled so I could get their attention. They all turned around saw me and replied with " Hey mysta. " We talked for a bit then we went inside the arcade and started to play the games.

( time skip to 5:00pm

I took a look at my watch and saw that it was already 5:00pm! " I have to go guys it's 5:00pm and I told Ike i would be back soon" I said. Everyone else got ready to leave and we all left together going to our group houses ( idk what to call the them. but it's just a house that each wave has that they live in together.) When I got back to the luxiem house with Shu, Luca, Vox and Shoto I yelled " Hey Ike we are back. " I waited for a couple of minutes but I got no response. ' Hmm he is probably just sleeping or doing something ' I thought to my self. I decided to go up and see how Ike was. I knocked on Ike's door but I got no answer so I quietly opened the door. Only to see the room a mess and Ike missing! I quickly ran to my room to see if Ike is there but my room was empty. So I ran down the stairs to where the rest of Luxiem and shoto are.

Shu's Pov

I was talking with Luca, Vox and Shoto about random stuff. When Mysta came running down the stairs yelling " guys, guys, guys " to get our attention. We all stopped talking and turned to face him. I asked in a gentle tone " What's wrong Mysta? "

Mysta's Pov

Shu asked me what's wrong and i replied saying  " ike is missing! I checked everywhere and his room is a mess! " " WHATTT!!! " everyone exclaimed. Shu said to me " Why don't we check around for clues?"

(They go to Ike's room)

Mysta's Pov

We entered Ike's room and looked around. It was a mess everywhere and stuff was scattered around. I decided to look around his desk area and i saw something red at the corner of his desk. At closer inspection I realized that it was BLOOD!?!? So I took A closer look around and saw some more blood on the floor next to an envelope. I picked the envelope and called the others over. "Hey guys! Come over her" I quietly yelled?(like a bit louder than normal but not a full out yell.) When they all gathered next to me I showed them the envelope. I told them " Guys I found this on the floor next to some blood which I'm guessing is Ike's blood." Vox replied with " I see that's worrying, but we should see what's in the envelope." So I opened the envelope.

Inside it said:

Hello Luxiem,

As you have probably noticed we have kidnapped your Ike Eveland.

Good luck trying to find him and getting him back.

Maybe later you might get a little something or a hint from us.

From Anonymous Kidnappers (couldn't think of a better disguise name so it will be that for now)

I felt scared and was almost in tears, I missed Ikey! "should we tell the others about this" I said to the rest of Luxiem. They all replied with something along the lines of " yeah that would probably be a good idea to do." So we went on the nijisanji group chat

(If you get confused by any names left me know and I can tell you in comments)

   Nijisanji Groupchat

Hi I would like to make an announcement 

  we are having a meeting at the Luxiem   

 household at 12pm it's very important. 

Shubert: yup. We need to make an announcement.

Psychic: Ok. Noctyx will be there.

Mr President: Same with Xsoleil

Purple Star: You will see Iluna

Bandages: Krisis will be present

(things are gonna repeat cause I can't think of anything else

Penguin: Obsydia will be there

Fox Mom: You will see Ethyria

Fairy: Same with Lazulight

Pog:ok we will see you there

Mysta's Pov

I turned off my phone and said to the others "Well it's getting late so I let's eat and go to bed I guess." They all replied with "ok" and Vox said "I will cook dinner." So we ate and then got ready for bed.

I'm finally done yes!!!!!! I'm so sorry it took so long I have been busy with stuff life tournaments, sports and work. I have also had problems with my computer where it won't let me use wattpad so i use it off my phone and i don't know how to edit stories on my phone. I also have terrible motivation. Anyways have a nice day/night and stay safe!!!

Words: 937

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