Chapter 3: The meeting

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Warning: There will be mentions of blood and maybe others I forgot to add. If you are uncomfortable with any of these you can leave and you have been warned.

The group krisis will be added but the newest TTT I think that's what it's called will not be as of right now.(I may just add them more as side characters will decide later on)

(There may be grammar mistakes)

Quick summary of the last chapter: The luxiem boys came back , found out Ike is missing, did a bit of investigating and told everybody to meet up because they are going to tell them about Ike.

(It's about 11:30)

Mysta's Pov

It was 11:30 and the other Nijisanjien members were supposed to get here soon. We already got ready and set up a big table for everyone to sit at with us at the front. I was getting kinda anxious to tell everybody.

( Time skip to 12:00)

Still Mysta's Pov

Me, Vox, Luca and Shu were sitting at the table waiting for everybody to arrive, when suddenly we heard the doorbell ring. I said "I'll go get it" and got up and walked towards the door. I opened the door and saw the member of Krisis Vezalius, Wilson and Vanta. I let them in and brought them to the table to sit and brought over some snacks and drinks for them and the other members. A couple minutes later the doorbell rang again and I got it and saw the members of Noctyx Uki, Fulgur, Alban and Sonny and welcomed them in again. But sadly Yugo's no longer with Noctyx(but I may be cough adding cough him later).  Then came the members of Obsydia Petra, Selen and Rosemi. Next came the members of ILuna Aster, Ren, Kyo, Maria, Scarle and Aia. Then same the memers of LazuLight Finana, Elira and Pomu. After came the members of XSoleil Ver, Hex, Doppio, Kotoka and Meloco ( Once again like Yugo I may be cough adding cough Zaion later. )And finally the members of Ethyria Millie, Reimu, Enna and Nina(I'm keeping her in) arrived. After everyone was seated Shu started off by saying " thank you everyone for coming because we have a very important announcement to make and I'll let the others take it from here" Vox continued the talk by saying "In case you guys haven't noticed Ike isn't here and I know you might be wondering why." Then Luca said " So that's we asked you guys to come here because." I finish by saying "IKE IS MISSING! And after doing a bit of research we found out he has been kidnapped." Everyone was shocked and stuff like "Oh!, Do you know where he is? or WHAT!" Vox also added that " The kidnapper left a letter telling us that he went  missing! " Then Luxiem explained that " If you find anything out to let one of them now " and that's all they had to say.

Done finally! Sorry that it's pretty short, not the best quality and that it took so long. But I will hopefully get a couple more chapters out soon because I have a decent idea, but I have terrible motivation and I'm busy so who knows when it will be done. Anyways bye and stay safe!


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