Chapter 4: Another one bites the dust

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Warning: There will be mentions of blood, fighting, weapons and maybe others I forgot to add. If you are uncomfortable with any of these you can leave and you have been warned.

The group krisis will be added but the newest TTT I think i'ma add them as like side characters also all the niji characters that were in this from the start I will keep them in this and I just want to say the female characters will be a bit more like side characters, so the main focus is on the guys and the girls are not as much featured.

(There may be grammar mistakes)

Quick summary of the previous chapter: They did a meeting and Luxiem told them about how Ike went missing.

Ver's Pov

I was at me desk doing my stacks of paperwork I still had to finish. Though it was taking me a bit longer then usual because I couldn't help but wonder where Ike was and if he was okay or injured or even still alive. But I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard doppio yell " Ver me and Hex are going to get groceries we will back in probably a couple hours! ( Yes they are taking a couple of hours to get groceries. ) Oh and  the girls will be out for the day they are going to come back late they are having some girl day I think."  " Okay " I yelled back and then went back to working

Time skip like around an hour

I got up and stretched I finally finished one of my like 10 stacks of paper work. I took a look at the clock and saw that it was 1:00pm and decided to quickly grab something to eat before I went back to work. I went downstairs and looked in the fridge and pantry a remembered that we didn't really have any food so I just decided to eat some candy. So I grabbed some candy and went upstairs to continue working. ( I couldn't think of any other food honestly and I remember him liking sweets. ) 

I opened the door closed it and when to my desk and was about to sit when I heard a creaking noise and turned to see the door I closed now open, but nobody in sight. I instantly got up and look around trying to find the intruder but I couldn't see anyone. 

Then suddenly I hear someone land behind me and I turned around to see a guy and a girl in all black wearing masks. I got into a fighting position and the girl charged at me. They girl had a syringe in her right hand and a knife in her left hand and the guy looked to have a gun in his hand. The girl tried stabbing the syringe into my neck. I dodged to the side and summoned a dagger/knife using my council command and began attacking her. ( I don't know if he can actually do this if not then we pretend he can. ) 

As we were fighting in the corner of my eye I saw the guy fire his gun and I dodged to the side so the bullet just barely missed me. " I am going to need to keep an eye on that guy while I fight " I thought to myself. I then continued to attack the girl while dodging the bullets. But after awhile I was getting tired and was becoming more focused on trying to take down the girl. So when a bullet came flying at me again I didn't realize in time and it hit me in the arm. I cried in pain as I felt my arm throb in pain and slowly bleed.  I tried to activate my council command but it just wouldn't activate and when I was busy trying to activate my council command the girl ran behind me.

 As I turned to hit her she hit me on my neck first and I fell. I tried to get up but couldn't, I slowly felt my vision go blurry and I started to see black spots. Just before I did I felt them grab me and throw me out the window and as I felt someone catch me and throw me in a van I passed out.

Word Count: 714

I finally finished the chapter! To be honest I haven't really been into Nijisanji after all the chaos that had happened and I have also been really busy with stuff like projects, sports, trying to finish some personal goals like some drawings, making stuff, etc. and I also kinda injured my wrist so yeah. Anyways I still do want to finish this book just because I don't want it leave it part done, but I don't really know when I will update it just cause I tend to have a hard time having a good motivation and I also have a hard time putting my ideas into words and I'm not as into Nijisanji as I was was when I started this book. But that is all I have to say and I hope you guys all have a wonderful day/night and stay safe! ( This turned this from 725 words to 878 words )

Published May 4th, 2024 or 05/04/24

May the Fourth be With YOU!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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