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Danae stepped out of the restaurant, her mind swirling with the weight of her conversation with Luca. The mixed emotions that had accompanied their negotiation lingered in her thoughts, leaving her yearning for a familiar presence and a listening ear. She knew exactly where to find solace—Sarah, her unwavering confidante.

She reached out to Sarah, arranging to meet at their favorite café nestled in the heart of the city. As Danae entered the cozy establishment, she spotted Sarah sitting at their usual table, a comforting smile lighting up her face.

With a sigh of relief, Danae joined her, sinking into the plush chair. Sarah's eyes sparkled with curiosity, a silent invitation to share the details of her meeting with Luca.

"Danae, you look like a woman on a mission. Tell me everything," Sarah said, her voice laced with excitement and concern.

Danae recounted the intense negotiation with Luca, describing the demands she had presented and the tentative agreement they had reached. Sarah listened intently, her unwavering support evident in her nods and encouraging words.

"Sarah, I feel like I'm walking on a tightrope," Danae admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "But I refuse to let this arrangement dictate my life. I will fight for my freedom, no matter the cost."

Sarah reached across the table, her hand gently resting on Danae's. "You've always been a fighter, Danae. I have no doubt that you'll find a way to navigate through this and come out even stronger."

Their conversation carried on late into the evening, their laughter and shared memories momentarily lifting the weight of the world from Danae's shoulders. But as the night grew darker, an unexpected intrusion shattered their tranquility.

Danae's phone buzzed with an incoming call. She excused herself and stepped away, her heart pounding as she recognized the name flashing on the screen—her grandparents.

"Hello?" Danae answered, her voice a mix of trepidation and curiosity.

"Danae, my dear," her grandmother's voice trembled with emotion. "We've just learned about your engagement. How could you keep this from us?"

Danae's breath caught in her throat. She had hoped to shield her grandparents from the burden of her arranged marriage, to spare them the pain and worry. But it seemed that her secret had been unearthed.

"Grandma, I didn't want you to worry. I thought I could handle it on my own," Danae responded, her voice tinged with regret.

Her grandfather's voice joined the conversation, firm yet tinged with a hint of sorrow. "Danae, we may be old, but we're not blind. We can see the turmoil in your eyes, the burden you carry. You don't have to face this alone."

Tears welled up in Danae's eyes, a mixture of gratitude and remorse washing over her. Her grandparents had always been pillars of strength and support in her life, and she had unwittingly deprived them of the chance to stand by her side in her time of need.

"I'm sorry, Grandma, Grandpa," Danae choked out, her voice filled with emotion. "I should have confided in you. I need you now more than ever."

Her grandparents' voices softened, their love shining through the phone line. "We're here for you, Danae. Always. Let us be a part of this journey, the good and the bad. We're family."

In that moment, Danae felt the weight of her secret lift. She realized that the strength she sought didn't have to be borne solely on her own shoulders.

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