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Chapter Thirty: Unleashing the Fury

When Luca received the devastating news of Danae's abduction, a storm of rage and desperation surged through his veins. He demanded answers, his voice laced with fury, as he confronted the guards responsible for protecting her. Their inability to safeguard his beloved only fueled his anger, threatening to consume him entirely.

In a moment of desperation, Luca reached for his phone and dialed the number he knew would bring support and guidance—the number of his father. As the call connected, he poured out his heart, recounting the horrifying turn of events and his overwhelming need to rescue Danae from the clutches of her captors.

In a voice tempered by years of experience and wisdom, Luca's father listened intently. He understood the depths of his son's despair, for he too had faced similar trials in his own past. With empathy and determination, he shared a long-guarded secret, revealing the lengths he had gone to save Luca's mother during the early years of their marriage.

The realization that his father had once stood at a similar precipice of despair and had overcome it filled Luca with renewed hope. The bond between father and son grew stronger as Luca's father pledged the unwavering support of their family, vowing to bring Danae back safely.

With newfound resolve, Luca embraced the weight of his family's legacy, drawing strength from the love that bound them together. The path to rescue Danae would be treacherous, but armed with the collective might and determination of the family, they would leave no stone unturned until she was safely returned to his arms.

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