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Chapter Thirteen: Unveiling Shadows

The morning sun cast a warm glow over Luca's mansion, but the atmosphere within was anything but serene. Danae and Luca sat at the breakfast table, their faces etched with concern and frustration. News had reached their ears, news that threatened to unravel the fragile balance they had strived so hard to maintain.

Luca's voice was laced with urgency as he addressed Danae, his gaze unwavering. "Danae, we have a problem. The news of our engagement has been leaked to the press."

Danae's eyes widened in disbelief as the weight of the situation settled upon her shoulders. "But how? We were supposed to keep it discreet. This puts a target on me, on us."

Luca's jaw tightened, his mind racing to identify the source of the leak. "Someone close must have betrayed us. We need to find out who and take immediate action to ensure your safety."

As the day unfolded, a whirlwind of investigations and protective measures enveloped Danae and Luca. They were determined to discover the perpetrator who had jeopardized their privacy and put Danae's life in danger.

Meanwhile, in the shadows, Danae's ex-boyfriend seethed with anger and resentment. The news of Danae's engagement had ignited a fire within him, reigniting his possessive obsession. He devised a sinister plan to reclaim what he believed was rightfully his.

Hidden behind closed doors, he gathered a network of unsavory characters, assembling a force fueled by his vindictive desire. His intentions were clear—to kidnap Danae and extract revenge upon the man who had taken her from him.

Unbeknownst to Danae and Luca, the danger loomed closer with each passing hour. They were swept up in their efforts to protect themselves, unaware of the vengeful storm brewing just beyond their grasp.

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