Part 18

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Allison's POV

I decide to go with the others who are downstairs.

When I reach the living room molly is staring at me, I know what she's trying to do and I won't let her.

We all sit and chat for 30 minutes

Eventually Theo comes downstairs and sits with us, he sits opposite me.

He keeps staring at me, I can feel myself slowly blush so I excuse myself to the bathroom

"Umm guys I'm going to go to the toilet" I say getting up

"Do you want someone to show you where they are?" Draco says

"No - no it's fine" I say rushing out of the room

I make my way upstairs and turn left, the dark corridors make this house so creepy but there's a small essence of green which brings out colour.

I wander down the corridor until I'm met with another corridor and stairs.

I decide to go down the corridor again and I can't find the toilet.

I head back down the corridors I've just walked down, until I'm met with someone

Mattheo Riddle

"Your lost aren't you?" He says to me

"Yeah, I thought there would be a toilet down here but I was wrong" I say twiddling my thumbs

"I'll show you where the toilets are" he says

"Are you sure?" I say

"Yes of course I'm sure, I did just offer" he says with a smile

"Fine then" I say

We walk back down the corridor I just walked down.

We walk across the landing of the stairs and go to the other side of the house.

We make our way to a familiar corridor, where Theo's room is.

When we walk by his room he dragged me into his room.

"Theo what are you doing?" I ask

"Finishing some unfinished business" he says with a smirk

He shuts the door and locks it. He puts a silencing spell on it.

He walk over to me and pushes me onto the wall.

"May I" he asks

I don't reply I just kiss him

"So yes?" He says sarcastically

My back is resting on the wall, his body pressing onto mine.

His hands, one holds my waist and the other cups my face.

My hands, both go to his neck pulling him in further.

He lick my bottom lip asking for permission but I deny it this time.

He tries again and again and I keep denying it until he has enough.

He opens his mouth to speak and i take my opportunity and slide into his mouth.

His eyes look shocked but he settles into it.

"Jump" he says breaking the kiss

"What" I say

"Jump, I'll catch you don't worry" he says

So I do what he says

He places his hands on the underneath of my thighs. I wrap my legs around his torso.

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