Hirving Lozano

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Warnings:somewhat spiced

Maria's POV

It was a Saturday afternoon and me and my husband Hirving were outside with the rest of the selección mexicana team and we all decided to do in carne asada and me and the girls were just watching the kids run around and then we see Kevin and Diego chasing other and trying to have fun with the other kids and some of the husbands where in the pool.

"Amor, ustedes no se van a meter a la piscina?"hirving asked me

"No amor ahorita no"I replied

He looked like he was smiling like he was going to do something evil i ignored it and continued talking to the girls until It got a little to quiet and the kids were still playing it was just the guys being to quiet so I got suspicious but before I could say anything I was being thrown into the pool I quickly got back up to the surface and saw that Hirving had thrown me into the pool .
I of course was mad but not to mad cause they just did a little harmless prank on us but I knew me and the girls were going to get them back.

After a while the food was ready and we all dig in to the food after we were done me and the girls obviously went to go change when we were done changing we quickly decided to make a plan to get our revenge.

"Ok, entonces estoy pensando por qué no les enviamos una foto sexy de nosotros y escuchamos su reacción y pretendemos que no pasó nada."I said

"que buena idea Maria" the girls said

I was the first to send the pic when I did I saw that Hirving picked up his phone and saw that it was a message from me he quickly opened it and saw the pic and looked at me and gave me a warning look

" te me calmas o te calmo"he typed in

"No te gusta el photo?" I asked

"si amor me gusto la foto pero no puedes estar haciendo todo eso o hare que tengas otro hijo"he typed back

I left him on read with a shocked look he saw my reaction and smiled to himself.

The rest of the girls sent there pictures and the guys were going crazy and all we did was laugh after a while mostly everyone had left the only ones that were here were Edson and his wife and daughter and Héctor moreno and his wife and kids.

We decided for them to stay in the guest room and the kids can go into one room.

"la broma que nos hicieron las chicas fue divertida, pero recuerden lo que dije, no estaba bromeando sobre eso, hagan eso otra vez y lo que dije será cierto."said Hirving

"como si fueras a hacer eso"i replied back

"eso es un reto?" Hirving replied back with his eyes filled with lust

"amor solo vete a dormir ya"I said with an attitude

Honestly I was getting fed up with it.
It was just a simple little prank that we pulled on them he shouldn't be doing all this.

"buenas noches mi amor duerme bien"Hirving said

"buenas noches, mi amor"i replied

After that we quickly fell back to sleep

Words used:562

This one was a bit longer but I loved it I got an idea from this girl I'm not trying to steal her whole
Idea but i kinda switched it up a little.
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