Emilio Lara

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Laylah POV

I was busy cleaning the mess in the house because of the party last night while Emilio was just passed out on the couch. "Lazy ass"I thought I quickly went back to sweeping the house after that I mopped the floor while Emilio was still asleep so I moved his legs for me to mop under his legs making him wake his lazy ass up.

Emilio:Que haces?
Laylah:Oh nothing just cleaning your legs,what does it look like I'm doing?
Emilio:what time is it?
Emilio:Damn I slept in for real
Laylah::well I'm done cleaning the house.
Emilio:wait what?
Laylah:What? I clean the house
Emilio:and you didn't wake me up?
Laylah:I know you hate cleaning so why would I wake you up?
Emilio:and? I don't care you know I'll do anything for you.
Laylah:I know but I just wanted you to sleep I guess
Emilio:Next time wake me up I don't care if you throw water on me.You wake me up ok?
Laylah:Ok east bien

After that he got up to shower and made me take a shower even tho I was feeling lazy.

Emilio: Si tengo que entrar y bañarte, lo haré.
Laylah: Ammmmooorrrr puedo hacerlo yo mismo
Emilio: ok pues date prisa para que podamos salir a comer

After I showered I put on some concealer mascara and lipgloss and brushed my hair and went downstairs to see Emilio on an Instagram live.

Emilio: Mira quién finalmente bajó
Laylah: "MiRa QuIeN fInAlMeNtE bAjO"
Emilio: Bueno, chicos, parece que tengo que ir a verlos la próxima vez.

After he ended live we both went in the truck and went to the near by taqueria place which they had the best Horchata🤞🏼

We order our food and waited until it came we ate Emilio kept making fun of me during practice yesterday how I lost to zendejas😪
Laylah:Please don't remind me amor I failed Sabrina😔
Emilio:Haha but actually tho you only messed up cause of your left leg
Laylah:I know and zendejas kept making fun of me so that's why I tripped him
Emilio was laughing while I noticed that some dude kept looking at us so I gave him the "boo bitch"look.
Emilio noticed and turned around to see the dude quickly turn away.
Emilio:y eso wey que?
Laylah:no se🤷🏽‍♀️
We ate in piece and just enjoyed each others company honestly it was like a little date.
Emilio:Oh yea we have to pass by zendejas and Sabrina's house after.
Emilio:Idk that's what Alex told me
Laylah:oh ok

After we ate we cleaned up our mess cause we not those type of people like who you think I am we got in the car and drove to there house to see zendejas running around the yard while Sabrina was laughing.
Sabrina:Hey guys!
Alex:Laylah you alright about yesterday
Laylah:I'll punch you
Emilio:Well anyways what were you guys doing?
Sabrina:Idk what he was doing but other then that I was just chillin
Laylah:Right we'll Emilio brought me here
Laylah:He never told me
Laylah:I know😔
After that we got into pairs Emilio and alex me and Sabrina to have a rematch again but this time I knew I couldn't mess up on my left leg if I did me and Sabrina would lose.
Sabrina:You got this!!
Alex:Don't miss
Laylah:You know what?
I started running towards zendejas while he was running away and Emilio behind me trying to stop me.
Laylah:Come back here you bit-
Laylah:you want a damn cookie?
Emilio:No I want you to stop chasing him
Alex:Yes you witch
Laylah:You bi-
Emilio:alex stop you know that provokes her even more
Alex:Ok I'll stop
Emilio put down but Laylah quickly jumped on Alex's back and started punching his back while Sabrina was recording everything.

Words used:682

Done with an imagine finally updated an imagine ima go do 1 more chapter for NEW CLUB byeee

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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