Henry Martin

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Nothing to worry about here
Backstory: ok so y/n was a fan of chivas ever since she was a little girl so when she met Henry Martin she hated him cause he played for America until he made her change her mind🤭🤭


It was typical Saturday afternoon I was getting ready for chivas vs America game obviously chivas has to take it.I was taking my little brother with me even tho he was an America fan but that's fine.

After a long car ride we finally made it to the stadium and it was packed I mean it's the 2 biggest teams going against each other I'm pretty sure everybody and there grandma was up in here.

After we got our food we went to find our seats luckily for us we were right I front of where the players where still practicing hector(her little brother) was trying to get the American a players attention by holding up and sign he made earlier that day.

"Hola amigo"I heard some dude say I turned around and none other then la bomba himself was there I hated since he ever joined America cause obviously chivas is better

"¡¡DIOS MÍO!! eres tu eres realmente eres tu eres la bomba"Héctor screamed

I cringed at this so hard Henry notice I was wearing a chivas Jersey instead of an America Jersey

"porque llevas ese feo jersey en lugar del mio princesa"he said

"porque chivas es mejor que america punto"I said

"aqui te hare una apuesta si gana america haces lo que yo diga por una semana si gana chivas hare lo que tu quieras hacer"he says

"ok acepto solo porque se que chivas va a ganar"I say with confidence

"Okkkk" was all he said after that we shook hands and he left because his coach yelled at him.

The game had just begun and chivas had the ball but the couldn't make a goal because América defenders were trying to do something to the chivas players.

After first half

Chivas and América were tied 1-1 one being from Alexis Vega and the other from well ...Henry Martin

"¡Oye princesa! ¿Viste el gol que hice en el último minuto? Ese gol era para ti, amor."Henry came saying

"No me importa, además, todavía estamos empatados, pero tú y yo sabemos quién va a ganar."I said not caring about the names he calls me

"si obviamente america va a ganar princesa"he said with a smirk

"eso es lo que piensas pero solo mira y estarás haciendo lo que yo diga en la próxima semana"I say

"ok princesa lo que tu digas"he said and left because the game was about to start.

After the game

FUCK! Chivas lost 3-2 making America win hector had left with some of his friend when the game ended so now all I had to do was wait for Henry great.

"hey princesa te dije que america iba a ganar ahora tienes que hacer lo que yo diga esta semana"he says

"ok lo que sea ni siquiera me importa"I said

"Sure it didn't princess" he said

"Ok so first is first we are getting rid of that ugly jersey and you are going to where my Jersey"he says

"Ok fine whatever"I say

He gave me his Jersey for me to change after that he lifted me up from the stands and took me to where the locker rooms where

"espera espera espera a donde vamos?"I asked

"no te preocupes princesa estarás bien te lo prometo"he said

After a while we finally got to the locker rooms and he got his stuff and we left


"hola amor qué haces"i asked

"nada, es solo una locura cómo la semana pasada eras un gran fanático de chivas ahora vas con mi camiseta de América"he said proudly

I laughed and quickly gave him a kiss because he was running late after that he quickly left to go to practice

I mean what he said was true tho just last week I was a die hard chivas fan now im an America fan now.wow he was right.

Words used:709

Hope you guys liked this imagine honestly me personally I liked this a lot hopefully you guys do to also make sure to vote please and thank you for this  idea  c_yamillet

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