Julian Araujo

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Mariana POV

It was the Copa oró final and it was 0-0 and it was 2 half.

During the extra minutes Santi had gotten the ball making a run for it I thought he didn't make it at first but then I saw he made it making Mexico win the Copa Oró!

I came down to the locker rooms to see a while concert.
Julian:Hola amor
Mariana:Hola what is all of this?
Julian:We gotta celebrate rightSay hi to the live
Julian:This is my beautiful girlfriend Mariana!

After a while Jorge Cesar and Julian had but on la Bebe remix and started singing to the cup I was laughing while recording.

After a while we got on the bus but Edson was drunk as hell. He was just drinking and dancing it was funny to watch.

Then Julian went live again a lot of people were interested on what everyone was doing which I couldn't blame them I mean who wouldn't want to see this.

We had arrived somewhere I couldn't tell were but everyone was getting off the bus when we went inside everyone was there the wife's and everyone.

It was really fun when we all went into a circle around the whole place.

The next day

I had just woken up in me and Julian's house to found a Julian passed out on the couch me next to him.

I quickly went to go shower and get all the drunk stuff off of me after tu changed I went downstairs to shill seeing Julian sleeping I tried to make breakfast quietly as possible which it worded because Julian was knocked out.

Mariana: you need to wake up. I made breakfast
That made him get up so fast we ate and talked about last night which was really fun the rest of the day we just chilled and cuddle while watching movies later we were going to ochoas house for a carne asada but that was later right now I was cuddling with my bae.

Words used:350

Done with a Julian Araujo really short sorry I might update either the Alex one of the Emilio one who knows🤷🏽‍♀️

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