Edson Alvarez

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Amora's POV

I was doing the dishes while zara was watching her favorite tv show. Edson was at practice while I was cleaning around the house until I heard a knock on the door.

Amora:Hola linda!
Linda:Hola! Cómo estás
Amora: ¡Lo estoy haciendo tan bien! qué pasa contigo
Linda: bueno estoy embarazada y no se como decirle a jorge
Amora:Why don't you make him a cute basket of some baby stuff and your pregnancy test to get his reaction.
Linda:Gracias Amora without you I don't know what I would've done!

Edson came in with Jorge right behind him.

Edson:Hola mi reina
Amora:Hola amor
Edson:Hola mi princesa!

Zara came running towards Edson while me Linda and Jorge were laughing.

Jorge:Hola Amora! Cómo estás?
Amora:Bien y tu?
Jorge:Muy bien también
Amora: Que bueno
Linda:well we have to get going talk to you later Amora

After they left I was going upstairs while Zara and Edson were playing together until it was time for dinner.

Edson:Hola mi reina. What are you doing?
Amora:Nothing I'm just about to go make dinner,and Zara?
Edson: Eso es lo que quería decirte que Zara se quedó dormida mientras veíamos la televisión. ¿Así que quieres pedir que salgamos?
Amora: Está bien, podemos pedir pizza.
Edson:si esta bien

After I order the pizza Edson went to go shower while I was waiting for the pizza to come after the pizza came I payed for it and called Edson down to come eat.

After we finished eating I took Zara to bed and put her into her room after that I went to go get ready for bed.

After I got ready for bed I went to bed with my loving husband.

Words used:308

Another imagine ima do a Julian Araujo I think idk🤷🏽‍♀️

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