-Double Date Double Trouble-

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I laid in my bed in pain. Me and Sasuke might have gone a little far last night. Yes.... I did sleep with him BUT how can you pass up the potential story of having your virginity taken in a meadow by your first boyfriend. Okay.... Maybe not my virginity... and okay Sasuke's not technically my first boyfriend but who's gonna know my story besides me let a girl dream. Seeing as I hadn't had any in a while, I would say I was a born again virgin. Anyways, aside from the massive hangover that I have from drinking tequila shot with Sasuke AFTER the first round, my back hurts from the second round those tequila shots caused. A third round would have occured, but Sasuke got a call from him mom wondering where he was because he was still grounded afterall.

It wasn't until Friday, that I was able to see him again. Sakura and I were waiting for our dates to pick us up. They both drove separate cars.
Salura wore:

And I wore this: (of course w/ black hair

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And I wore this: (of course w/ black hair. the corset straps are also black)

"Oh Blossom, I never seen you not wear oink before" I said

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"Oh Blossom, I never seen you not wear oink before" I said.

"Yeah Itachi likes when I wear red" she said.

"Interesting. I didn't know we were dressing up. I thought we were just going mini golfing," I questioned.

"I'm not dressed up. This is my casual" she said.

"Oh.. well you look lovely" I smiled.

She smiled and said "you too." 

We stepped out the house, and Itachi opened the door for Sakura. Sasuke brought me flowers and then opened the door. I noticed the two brothers glaring at each other.

Oh gosh this was about to be one big competition.

Time passed.

And boy was Sasuke getting annoyed. He's not the best at mini golf, and Itachi is amazing at it...
Every time he gets a hole in one, Sakura runs up and kisses him. Sasuke's on his sixth bogey but I've been comforting him with hugs and kisses. It doesn't seem to help cause I think he thinks I'm pitying him. It wasn't until the last hole when Sakura and I went to the bathroom. When we got out we noticed security running up. We both looked at each other and ran to our boyfriends.

Sasuke and Itachi were fighting and security was tryna break it up.

"Are you mad little brother?" Itachi questioned.

"Just Why?! For what reason would you go after Sakura?" Sasuke exclaimed.

"Why do you care little brother? Is she not your ex?" Itachi questioned with a smirk.

"Because! Because...."

"Because you still love her don't you Sasuke," I finally spoke.

Sasuke looked at me with wide eyes.

"Vivian... no I-"

"Before you answer me I want you to answer yourself and think why else would you care so much?" I said with a smile.

Sasuke knew even though I was smiling I was a little hurt. Sakura knew this as well.

"Itachi wait I think this has gone a bit far" Sakura said.

"What?" Sasuke questioned.

"We're not actually dating... we just wanted you to know what it felt like. I paid Itachi heavily" Sakura said.
"Are you serious right now. You're mentally insane. You're-"

"That's enough Sasuke." I started.

"Did you not hear them Vivian? They-"

"That doesn't change my question, Sasuke," I said.

He looked at me surprised.

"If I'm being honest, isn't it obvious. He only likes you because you're not Sakura but look like her. He was jealous of me and Sakura's "relationship" so he made you guy's official didn't he. Oh poor predictable little brother. You have some growing to do. People emotion matter," Itachi said.

Sakura punched the wall angrily, "Itachi, STOP" she said.

Itachi shrugged. "Hey, who are you to tell me how to raise my little brother. You're the one that came up with the plan originally, just because you gain human empathy now doesn't make you human. I'm leaving see you at home brother.  Oh and I still expect my payment," Itachi said as he left in his car. 

I wasn't listening to their back and forth. I kept my focus on Sasuke who just looked to the ground.

"Sasuke, it's true isn't it." I said.

"Vivian, please understand I-"

"It's alright," I smiled interrupting him. I turned away and a hand quickly grabbed mine.

"Please don't go," he said.

"I'm afraid I have to. They've already called the authorities, so it's time to go. It wouldn't be smart to stab you in the heart like you did me with the police on their way," I said with a smile as I yanked my hand away.

Sakura didn't have anything to say as I walked past her. She couldn't even look at me.

I don't.... feel so good...

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