-Sticky Situation-

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Sasuke and Sakura walked into my room. They noticed my door. "Vivian! Your door! Mom and dad will be furious!" she said. I shrugged. "I ....told Sasuke," she said. I glanced at her then at Sasuke. "Oh  and what did he say Blossom?" I asked. "h-he said-" "I said I couldn't date her then," Sasuke said. I looked to my sister. She must be really hurt. She didn't even respond to me calling her Blossom. "Oh and why not?" I asked annoyed. "Because I like you," he simply said. I could feel my sister's pain from across the room.  Having her boyfriend taken by her sister. Her TWIN sister at that. "Sasuke! We met for like three days. How can you simply just say that. Especially in front of my sister," I exclaimed. "It's true. You're different from Sakura. Aside from being twins, you two are nothing alike. Besides you're the one who asked me out not Sakura, so I would feel like I'm cheating when I'm dating her when she didn't even ask me back out," Sasuke said. "I asked you out AS SAKURA!" I exclaimed. I sighed. "Listen Sasuke. It's not like I would want to date an arrogant asshole like yourself anyway, but my sister has really strong feelings for you. Feelings that I, her older sister, can't ignore." I explained. "A lot of girls at school have strong feelings for me just like Sakura does..." he said. I'm guessing he says it's easy for him to ignore feelings. "Okay Sasuke.... you're saying since I asked you out and you said yes to ME that we go out correct?" I asked. "Correct," he said. "Fine then... I didn't want to have to do this but...." 

"Sasuke I'm breaking up with you"

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