-Movie Date-

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I was looking in my closet for something to wear. Uhhh what the hell man I have nothing to wear on this not date. Sakura walked past my room. She then glanced inside. "Whatcha doing?" She asked. I jumped. "Oh nothing me an this guy are JUST going to hang out ,but I can't find out what to wear" I said.  She smirked. "Who's the lucky guy?" She asked. "No luck here! Nope completely unlucky" I retorted. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, but I'm helping you get ready," she said. I sighed because there was no stopping her. By the time she was done I didn't know how to feel. I constantly had to keep telling her NO PINK but she did an alright job.

I looked at he time

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I looked at he time. "Time for me to go" I said. "He's not picking you up? What type of guy doesn't pick up his date. I rolled my eyes. "It's not a date" I said before walking out. I hopped in my car and drove off. To the movies!

I made it to the movies and saw a very nice looking Uchiha waiting for me at the door. The only problem was that there were a couple girls surrounding him. He looked kind of annoyed. I walked up to him which made him relieved. "You're late," he mused. "I consider this my earliest besides getting pretty takes time," I said. He looked at what I wore. " You look nice" he said. "Thank you now if you'll excuse me I have a movie I wanted to watch" I replied. He rolled his eyes and followed me inside the theater. I walked up to the counter. "Hello and what would you two like to watch today?" the lady at the counter asked. "Two tickets to lights out please" I said with confidence. "Sure" the lady said handing us our tickets. "A horror movie? " Sasuke questioned amused. "Yup I always wanted to see this movie but I knew I could never watch it alone, and since blossom hates horror I never really had anyone to go with," I said. "Don't get scared" he mused. "Trust me I won't" I said.



I could hear Sasuke snicker as i grabbed his arm for reassurance that there was an actual human being around me. This sucked. Not the movie the movie was awesome but the fact that I was terrified, cold and a little sleepy from eating most of the popcorn. "Are you cold? You can wear my jacket if you are" he said. "No it's okay I'm fine" I said. That's when he pulled me closer with his arm. "Oh? Or do you want me to hold you until you're warm?" he whispered. My cheeks blushed. I snatched his jacket from his hand. "Fine I'll take the jacket" I said. He snickered. "You're so easy to tease" he said. I growled at him. Which made his face turn red for a quick second. A really quick second. What was that about?


"I can't believe you screamed like a girl" I laughed. "Shut it. You screamed too" he said. "I am a girl" I said. "With that grip I wonder" he muttered. "What was that?" I questioned. "Nothing~ and besides it wasn't the movie that scared me it was you terrifying screams of the damn" Sasuke said. I glared at him. "Better screams of the damn the screaming like a scared girl" I teased. "I didn't scream like a girl!" he exclaimed. I laughed. Okay so maybe I misjudged Sasuke. He's s cool guy. "Sasuke! Sakura is that you?" Yelled a voice. I knew that voice. It was Ino, Sakura's childhood frenemy. I pushed Sasuke into a nearby alley. "Vivian what are we doing?" Sasuke questioned. "Hiding that's one of Sakura's friends" I said. I peeked out and saw Ino look around confused. Good thing she was the denser of Sakura's friends. She eventually left. I sighed and turned towards Sasuke to sense that he had a dark aura around him. "Sasuke are you okay?" I asked. "you didn't tell her did you?" he asked. "Huh?" I questioned. "You didn't tell Sakura about our date did you?" He asked. I opened my mouth but quickly shut. He probably doesn't want excuses but a clear answer. "No..." I said. "Then Vivian might I ask what you think this outing was because I'm almost 100% positive that you don't think this is a date" he said. "I.....us hanging out" I said. "Tch" He said. I'm guessing he didn't like that answer. "I should have known you were only doing it for Sakura again," he said annoyed. "That's not true. You said you'd continue talking to Sakura before hand ,so I wasn't doing it for her. You were all upset and-" "so you were pitying me?" he questioned. "No that wasn't it either I just... I don't know" I said. "Just admit it you were pitying me. I won't be mad" he said. "No and bullshit you won't be mad" I said. "Admit it" he said. "No" I said. "then prove that you weren't pitying me" he said. I stomped my foot annoyed and frustrated. Sasuke acts like a spoiled freaking brat. "Fine! I will!" I exclaimed. I grabbed his face and mashed my lips into him. His eyes went wide, but he didn't hesitate to kiss back. What was I doing? He closed his eyes and took the lead a we kissed. I was proving him wrong right? He slipped his tongue in. Right? We parted and I was all red I could feel it. Sasuke then smiled. "I guess I was wrong?" he said. Wrong?

No I was the wrong one. He was right.

I liked him....

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