-Longest Walk Home EVER!-

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I stood there speechless for a second. Then I let out a nervous laugh. "Haha Sasuke what are you talking about? You're crazy," I said. "I thought so too at first but then I realized something," he said walking up to me. "Something Sakura would never do," he whispered. My eyes went wide which made his smirk grow wider. I let him go. I gave him a cautious look. "I have no idea what you're talking about?!" I exclaimed sternly and walked away. That only amused the curious Uchiha.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Later that Day~~~~~~~~~~

I sat in class boredly staring out the window. I don't know how Sakura could actually pay attention in this class. It's boring the hell out of me! Like what the fuck is Honors Literature?! All these essays for homework! I sighed. Not my problem! It's Sakura's.

~~~~~~~~~~~~After Class~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I gathered my things. I was glad to go home however I wasn't glad to go home to homeschool. I sighed again. "You seem tired?" said a voice. I looked up to see Sasuke. Great.....As if my day couldn't get any worse.... "What is it?" I asked half-heartedly. "Well Sakura ," he emphasized her name. "As your boyfriend, I usually walk you home" he said. Dammit. "Oh really?" I said. He smirked. I sighed. "I think I can walk home on my own today. I'm a bit tired," I said. "Even more reason to walk you home,"he said. I looked at him. He wasn't gonna leave me alone until I did. "Fine...." I muttered.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Walking Home~~~~~~~~~~~
HE'S SO FUCKING IRRITATING!! Every time I purposely walk ahead of him to keep my distance, he matches. "So you gonna tell me?" he questioned. "Tell you what?" I regrettably asked. "Are you gonna tell me who you really are?" he asked. "Like I said before I have no idea what you are talking about," I said. "Oh?" he mused. "Then how about we play a game?" he questioned. "If it will stop you from harassing me then fine" I said. He smirked. "Let's play twenty-one questions" he said. "No" I said. "Why are you scared?" he said. "No it ju-" "Good then I'll go first?" he said. "What is your favorite band?" he asked. From what I know about my sister, she doesn't like bands. She likes solo artist, and the solo artist she is constantly always blasting is, Justin fucking Bieber... "I don't listen to bands ,but my favorite artist is JB" I said. Sasuke pouted. I guess he knows the answer to all these questions and plans to call my bluff. "My turn" I smiled sarcastically. "Why do you think I'm not me?" I said. "Correction I think you're not Sakura and because you do things different than she does," he said. I gave him a blank look. He didn't really answer my question at all. I see I'll have to be specific. "My turn" he mused. "So Sakura what is your favorite thing to do?" he asked. "Shop" I said bluntly. Why do I feel like I'm playing jeopardy? He again pouted. "So Sasuke what things do you think I, Sakura would never do as of recent," I said. He smirked. "Oh?Are you curious?" he asked. "It's just my question," I said. "Well normally Sakura would say good morning to me, she would sit next to me in class and glare at all my fan girls, she would sit next to me at lunch,she would alway blush whenever I talked to her and even when she's mad, she would never hit me. She would always hit Naruto," he said. Jeez my sister does seem annoying.... "what's your favorite color?" he asked. "Same color as my hair" I said. He smirked. "What made you think I am not me?" I asked. "Didn't you already ask that?" he asked. "Be specific" I said. "Well I didn't notice it at first. I thought that you changed because of the breakup,but in class you called me Sasuke. I told you if was fine to call me that then the next day you called me Sasuke-kun and now again you call me Sasuke," he said. I gave him a blank stare. He's very observant. "and your boobs are bigger" he said. PERVERT! That's when we made it to my house. "Who do you like?" he asked with a very wide smirk. Sakura told me the other day that Sasuke means the world to her. "you" I said. His smirk grew abnormally wide. "Oh you've never said that before" he said. "Isn't it obvious?" I questioned. "Yes but even so you would never admit it. You'd always blush and twiddle your fingers," he said. Dammit.... I fucked up. "It's getting late I should go inside. Thanks for walking me home Sasuke," I said walking inside. "Oh one more thing Sakura," he said. "What?" I questioned. I never walked you home before today" he said walking away. Eh? I've been played!! He knew from the moment he asked I wasn't Sakura, so he toyed with me. Damnnn you Sasuke!!!
I walked inside and was greeted by Sakura. "Vivian how did it go," she asked. I straightened up.

"Just peachy!" 

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