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I yelled as I punched the steering wheel of my car. I had been sitting in my driveway for a good 20 minutes. I had been trying to calm myself down ,but every time I manage to calm down, I think about the stupid kiss again. "UGHHH!!!" I exclaimed repeatedly punching my steering wheel. Dammit. I sighed and looked at the time. It was 1:32am. I stopped sulking and finally got out the car. I opened the door and was immediately tackled. It was Blossom. She was gleaming. "So how was it? How was your date?," she questioned. Flashback of us kissing happened again. I knew I was red. "It wasn't a date!" I exclaimed. "Whatever did you have fun?" She asked. "It was alright...." I muttered. I refused to show any enjoyment or else she would ask what all happened. "Just alright?"she question. "Yeah all we did is watch a movie" I said. "What movie?" She asked. I smirked. "A horror movie wanna hear about it?" I asked. "No thanks..," she said running off. I knew that she wouldn't want to hear anything about horror. I went upstairs and took a long shower.


I sighed in relief as I laid down on my bed. I got a message. I looked at the message. It was from Sasuke ,but of course that wasn't his name in my phone. His name in my phone was Arrogant Asshole with a smiley face next to it. I read his message.

"I had fun tonight Vivian hope we can do this again sometime"

Like hell I'm doing that again! It was our first 'date' and I already kissed him. I practically made out with him...... Nope definitely not ever gonna date him ever again. I texted him back.

"Sure definitely"

GODDAMMIT! Why do my fingers defy me! "Then how about tomorrow. I'm having my eighteenth birthday. It won't be a date or anything ,but it would make my day if you were there... Sakura's coming too," he texted. He can't be serious. He expects me to go, WHILE Sakura is going. That's such a horrible idea, and how dare he guilt me saying it would make his day. I bit the bottom of my lip. "I'll try. " I texted.
"Great see you there"

That wasn't a yes asshole!!!!

I sighed.

"Goodnight!" he texted. "Good night" I replied.

I sighed and got up from my bed to go to Blossom's room.

"Yo Blossom" I said. She was currently laying out her things for school on Monday. "What is it?" she questioned annoyed by the nickname. "Sasuke just invited us to his birthday party tomorrow," I said. "Sasuke? How did he invite you?" she questioned.  "He texted it to me," I said. "You have his number?" she questioned. Yikes! I forgot I kind of snuck his phone number from her. Shit... "Uh yeah... he must have snuck it into my phone that one day I went to confront him," I said. "Oh okay... It should be fun," she said. "Wait you mean I can go?" I questioned. God that sounded weird...especially since I'm the older one. "Well duh... if you want to go I can't stop you. Plus you were invited. Oh! And I finally get to show you off to all my school friends," she smiled. I'm guessing she's been wanting to tell people she's had a twin for a long time now. "Cool," I smiled. I began to walk out. "Of just one thing," she said. I turned to look at her. "Don't embarrass me," she said serious. I could see the murderous intent in her eyes. I smirked. "Me? When have I ever embarras- *she was glaring at me*.... "Fine I won't embarrass you just stop looking at me like that. You're starting to look like mom,"I said walking out. Her cheeks turned red when I said that. I walked out the room and laid on my bed. I looked at my closet. Should I decide what to wear now or should I go it later.

"What should I do procrastination ghost," I asked myself.

"Later cool" I said as I hopped on my bed and drifted to sleep.

Sakura POV

I sighed as I finally finished setting out my clothes for the week. That's when I got a text message.

It was from Ino. Ir read:

"Hey Forehead. I saw you and Sasuke at the movies tonight why didn't you say hi."


I didn't go to the movies...



"Oh nothing me an this guy are JUST going to hang out ,but I can't find out what to wear"

" Yeah all we did is watch a movie"

*Flashback Ends*

She didn't did she?...

I texted Ino, "Haha sorry I didn't know that was you. I was kind of occupied.

"I'll say don't think I didn't see you two locking lips in the alleyway," Ino texted.

That's when I heard a crushing sound. I looked down to see I had crushed my phone into many pieces.

"............She kissed him......."

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