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A/N Heaps of you wanted an update, sorry for filler but I suddenly got really motivated to write this. Thanks! Hope you enjoy.


I wrap my arms tighter around me as I swiftly walk down the hallway. I didn't want to have to face the consequences if I was late home again. My step father was much stronger and I wouldn't stand a chance with a fight like him.

I push through the large doors, the cold air whipping my body. The grey clouds that hung in the sky matched my mood entirely as I quickly jogged down the steps, my head down. All around me were groups of people, socialising and having fun. I'm not very sure whether or not I'm jealous of them. As cliché as it sounds, I feel like no one understands me but it would be nice to have a friend for support.

I pace over the school car park, the voices and laughter from before disappearing into the background. Oh how I wish I had earphones, or even an iPod or phone to play music. My step dad doesn't let me have anything of the sort, so the only computer I see is the one in the school library. It's surprising how many songs I get through in only one lunch break. The librarians never tell me off for hogging the computer, I think they feel sorry for me.

My long hair flew behind me, the wind becoming stronger with each step. It was fucking freezing, and I didn't have many clothes. Most kids would go home to a big, warm house with their parents and go drink hot cocoa or some shit. I forgot how normal families acted. It's been so long.

"Faith?" A voice breaks me out of my deep thoughts.

I look up, and my eyes widen as soon as I see who it is.

Billie Joe.

He was leaning up against the car, clad in a black leather jacket and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I continue to stare at him, not one word coming to my mind to reply with.

"You go to this school?" He asks and I quickly nod my head. I still wasn't completely sure about him, even though he is fixing my guitar.

"I'm picking my son up from here. Joey. Do you know him?"

Joey Armstrong. He was in my English class. I didn't know him well though.

I nod my head again, stating that I wasn't going to be making much communication.

"You're not walking home are you? Its freezing and its gonna rain"

I simply shrug my shoulders, my eyes travelling to the ground once again.

"C'mon, you can get a ride with me" Billie Joe says.

I freeze. Should I trust him? My nerves start to rise, as my heart beat starts to become more prominent against my chest. I hardly knew him, but he seemed kind enough. I felt awkward but at the same time comforted that he would offer it.

"No thank you" I quietly say, my voice coming out in a mere whisper. "I wouldn't want to be any trouble"

"No, I insist, I'll take you home"

I bite my lip, staring at Billie Joe who was patiently waiting for a reply. Half my mind wants to get in, but the other half tells me to stay well away from him. My mother always told me to trust my gut feeling, but it seems to be torn.

I open my mouth to reply, but is quickly cut off by a new voice.


I turn to see no one other than Joey Armstrong, standing with his school bag slung on his back.  I quickly look down, to avoid his strong gaze on me. He was judging me. I just knew it.

"Joey" Billie steps forward. "This is Faith, we're gonna take her home"

"Why?" Joeys face scrunches up. Oh no. Bad sign.

"Because we're being friendly" Billie says through clenched teeth.

"Whatever" Joey rolls his eyes, throwing his bag through the window of the car. "I get the front seat though"

"Sure, whatever you want" Billie mutters.

I tug at my sleeves. I made them fight, this was my fault. I should just go.

"You coming?" Billie asks. I look up to see him holding the car door open to them. I stare it him in uneasiness but finally reluctantly oblige. I slide into the car, gripping onto my backpack so that my knuckles turned white.

Billie sends me a small smile, before gently shutting the door. Joey lets out a huff in the front seat, making me bite my lip in anxiety. I shouldn't have done this.

"So where to?" Billie sighs, shutting the front door of the car and putting on his seatbelt.

"Uh- Emmerson street. On the other side of town" I feel my cheeks flush.

Billie simply nods, which makes me feel a whole lot better. He would have to see where I live, the shitty apartment complex that I somehow call home. This is embarrassing.

Billie starts the car, and begins to drive. He asks Joey about his day, which Joey rudely shrugs, not even looking up from his phone. If I did that to my step dad, he would slap me across the face. In reality, he wouldn't even ask me how my day was. Only tell me to get to work on clearing up the old beer cans from around the house.

Thinking about home makes me shudder. I miss my old big house, where I lived with a mother and a father. It had a huge backyard, with a swing set that my dad had built me. I would play outside almost all day with my dog. Now, it's only a distant memory. A feeling I will never feel again.

"Is this it?" Billie asks, pulling into my street. I didn't even realise we had arrived.

"Yeah" I quietly say, avoiding the stare Billie had on me from the reversing mirror.

"Which house?"

"I-It's at the end... an apartment building"

I shrink down in my seat as the car moves towards my home. On the streets you could see gangs of people, all in possession of illegal drugs. This was different from the suburbia Billie and Joey were used to.

"This is it" I croak out, and the car slows to a halt.

I grab onto my bag, and put my hand onto the door handle to leave the car.

"Thanks" I murmur, not making eye contact with any of the boys.

"No problem" Billie says, a friendly tone in his voice. "Anytime you need a ride, I'd be happy to"

I nod my head, biting my lip before finally opening the car door. As I climb out, Billie rolls down his window to look at me.

"Here's my number... y'know- just- just in case" He stutters. I take the small white slip, sending him a small smile.

I quickly walk away from the car, jogging up the front steps of the building. I let out a sigh of relief at the sound of the car driving away. That was over.

As I'm standing in the elevator, waiting for it to reach the 3rd level, I look at the small piece of paper.


"Call me whenever you need, Faith



A small smile makes its way onto my lips. It felt nice that someone actually cared.

Someone actually cared.

Pure Massacre // Billie JoeWhere stories live. Discover now