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I open my eyes, quickly taking in my surroundings. There was a dull throbbing still on my face and ribs, but I felt a little better. The pills Billie gave me yesterday definitely helped. I shift on the couch, pulling the blanket further over my half bare chest.

I could see the tuffs of his black hair from the position I was in. Billie insisted he slept on the floor, and gave me the whole couch. I felt horrible about it but he was persistent and didn't take no for an answer.

I swallow, rubbing my dull, tired eyes. I had school today, and although I really didn't want to go, I had nothing better to do today. I didn't want to have to go home, for obvious reasons so why not just go to school.

I sit up on the couch, wrapping the blanket around my body. I was just going to get my clothes, and quietly slip out. Billie had already done enough for me, and I really didn't want to wake him or cause any more trouble.

I flip my legs over the side of the couch, and silently stand. I tip toe over to the table that Billie had placed my shirt and jeans. I pull on the jeans, and pick up my white t-shirt. It was ripped, and covered in dirt. I definitely knew I could not wear this to school.

I groan, running my hands over my head. I just needed to get out of here. I freeze as Billie groans, slowly waking up from his sleep. My eyes dart around the room, do I hide?

Finally, Billie sits up, still looking groggy from his slumber.

"Hey... are you leaving?" His voice croaks.

"Uh... I- I need to go to school"

"Oh... Of course..." He says. He kind of seemed disappointed.

Billie stands from his mess of pillows on the floor, the blankets falling from his body. I suck in a sharp breath of air, as his shirtless body stands in front of me. I get a better look at the colourful tattoos cascaded over his body.

He doesn't seem to notice me drooling over him, as he stretches his arms up, his muscles tensing. I lick my lips, tightening the grip I had on the blanket around me. Billie yawns, walking over to me. I step back, his every move only making me more anxious.

"You can't wear that shirt to school... you can borrow one of mine" He offers. Motioning to the rag I was holding in my hand.

I look down in embarrassment. I hate relying on someone this much, especially since no one even knows about my life. No one bothered to care, or bothered to ask how I was. They all just thought I was fine. And I knew I wasn't.

"Here" Billie breaks me out of my thoughts, holding a shirt up to me. I send him a small smile, taking it from his hand. Billie smirks, before turning around and walking back to the corner of the room. A small pile of clothes sat there, and he pushed them around before pulling out a dark blue tshirt for himself.

I take this time to cautiously drop the blanket around me, exposing my bare skin to the cool air. I gather up the shirt in my hands, before pulling it over my head. Billie turns around fully clothed just as I pull it fully over my body. His smirk once again is prominent as his eyes travel up and down my body.

"You look good" He says, a heat rushing over my face. I look down at the shirt I was wearing, confused look on my face.

"Ramones?" I say out loud.

"Yeah. They're my favourite band. Haven't you heard of them?"

I slowly shake my head. Billie's eyes widen in shock, as if he has just found out someone died.

"Wow... I need to educate you" He shakes his head in disbelief.


"Are you sure you don't need me to pick you up?" Billie Joe asks for the third time, sticking his head out the window of his car.

"I'm fine, really" I quietly say, fidgeting with my hands. Billie finally gives up with a sigh, restarting the engine again.

"Billie?" I ask as he pulls the hand break, ready to drive away. He looks up again, waiting for me to speak.

"Thanks" I say, avoiding his eye contact. Billie breaks into a small smile, nodding his head once at me.

I turn on my heel, making my way towards the school building. I hope no one saw me getting out of Billie Joes car, as Joey is one of the more popular ones at school. Everyone would think it's weird if a random was getting out of his dads car.

I hear Billie drive away, as I continue to walk closer to the building. The shirt I was wearing smelt exactly like Billie, and was a couple of sizes too big. I had to fold the sleeves up, and half tuck it into the jeans I was wearing in order for it to look somewhat normal.

The day went usually slow, as I completed my classes without a word. Even though my experience made me feel like a different person, I knew that to everyone else I was just the same old me. I never even checked the mirror to see if my face was busted up, but no one would ask me about it anyway.

Soon enough, the bell rang for lunch break and I was the first one out of my science class. I make my way through the bustling hallway, my head down as I walk to my locker. After putting my books away I begin to head to the cafeteria where I would be sitting alone. As usual.

My face is pulled into a frown as I stare down at the tray in front of me. This doesn't even look legal to serve to teenagers. Now I don't exactly know what a Sloppy Joe looks like, but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to look like this.

"Hey" A voice makes me look up.

It was Joey.

"Me?" I quietly say. Why would he want to talk to me?

"Yes, you" He laughs, sliding onto the empty seat opposite me.

"Oh... hey" I almost whisper, putting my head down.

"They got sloppy right in this lunch, eh?" Joey jokes, showing off his gleaming white teeth.

I smile, biting my lip to try and not make it obvious. Something was up. Joseph Armstrong would never talk to someone like me. I bet his dad told him to, or maybe he's pulling a stupid joke to laugh with his friends.

"Hey, that's a cool shirt" He nods towards me, half smiling.

"T- Thanks"

"Yeah, my dad has the same one" Joey says, me nodding in reply.

I feel like his mocking me already. Yesterday the most he communicated with me was to roll his eyes, but now he's trying to start a conversation. Half of me thought it was genuine, but the other half told me to stop in case I would be humiliated.

But the way he's smiling at me, the familiar way his eyes light up just like his dads. Or the way he's the one initiating the conversation, and all I have to do is listen and maybe nod my head. If he's being legit, I don't know what I'll do.

"I know this is weird... since I only knew of your existence yesterday..." Joey starts.

"But... do- do you wanna go out with me?"

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