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Previously.... on Pure Massacre... (since I haven't updated in a while)

- Faith is set to clean the house for her abusive step father

- Finds Billie's shirt that he gave her

- Goes to store to return it

- Chemistry is pumping

- They kiss each others faces

Billie's POV

Every single sense in my body was blaring at once. It felt so right, but so wrong at the same time.

Her lips were soft and untouched, just like I always imagined. We seemed to fit into each other perfectly, as if it were meant to be. I cupped her face, and hardened the kiss. She surprised me by bringing her hand up, and tangling it though my hair.

By the time we part, we were both out of breath. Her chest rose up and down comfortingly, her lips slightly parted. Her eyes were still closed as she slid her hand down my neck and whispered.


I pushed her down onto the couch, climbing carefully onto her body. She stares up innocently at me, her bambi like eyes holding such pureness and cleanliness that I felt as if my soul was washed clear. Every fuck up, every mistake would suddenly be cancelled out just from staring into her grey eyes.

Her soft hand stroked my face, before she brought our lips to meet again. I wrapped my arms around her waist as we fell further back onto the couch.

"I've waited so long for this" I said, my voice sounding raspy.

"Me too"

As I leant in to kiss her again, Faith's hands latched onto the growing bulge in my jeans. A groan escapes my throat as her fingers fumble with my belt and my fly.

Fuck, Billie. What are you doing?

The somewhat decent part of me takes over me and I stopped her. She bit her lip, but I smiled kindly down at her.

"Not now"

"Why not" She swallowed.

"Because you're too pure" I tucked some loose hair behind her ear.

"You wouldn't be bad" She tried to argue, those bambi eyes almost hypnotising me to just fuck her right there. "I like bad" Her pink lips rose to a smirk.

I thought for a few seconds, the silence over taking the room. My libido was throbbing. Something needed to happen tonight.

"Get on your knees" I finally sternly said.


"You heard me, get on your fucking knees"

A flash of fear and excitement shone in her eyes, but she quickly obliged and crawled off the couch. She knelt down in between my legs, her hands shaking.

"Now baby girl, in a situation like this, you must only refer to me as daddy. Is that clear?"

"Y- Yes daddy" She choked out.

"Good girl" I felt a smirk twist onto my lips.

My inner libido was slowly being released. I had to suppress it as much as possible, in fear of taking advantage of Faith and scaring her away forever.

"Now suck daddy's cock"

Faith's jaw dropped, but soon she shook her head as if to snap herself out of shock. Her shaking hands once again fumbled with my belt and fly, and soon she had pulled down my jeans around my ankles.

Hesitantly, she slowly slid down the waistband of my boxer briefs, and my throbbing, half erect cock sprung free. Her hands immediately reach hungrily for it, and a throaty moan escapes my throat.

"Put daddy in your mouth" I gasped, clutching onto her hair and slightly tugging.

Faith leaned in and wrapped her wet lips around me. I smiled down at her, observing her innocent bambi eyes staring up at me. Soon, she put as much of me in her mouth as she possibly could. She coughed from gagging, but in no time her head was bopping up and down.

Her tongue lay flat against my shaft, and my rigid cock was coated in a glistening sheen of her warm saliva. Moans escaped my throat. Her soft eyelashes tickled my abdomen when she slid down me.

"Yes baby, keep going" I groaned, beginning to thrust my hips as I clutched tighter onto her hair.

The movements became faster and faster. The pressure in my lower region became bigger and bigger. Faith was doing amazing.

"Faith- I'm about to-"

I gasped as the hot liquid shot straight out of me. Faiths eyes widened as her head leant back, the sticky, white substance dribbling down her chin. She looked perfect.
My breaths were heavy as the throbbing began to ease, and my libido was slinking back into the shadows where it belonged.

Faith quickly scampered to her feet and ran to the sink to wash her face off. I fixed myself up, shoving little Billie back into my pants and zipped up my fly. When she turns around again, she shyly looks to the ground. I stood and walked over to her and held her hand.

"I'm sorry if that was too fast-"

"No" She cut me off, looking up again. "I liked it" She slowly smiled, and I copied.

Her arms wrapped around my shoulders, and her head snuggled into my chest. I enclosed her into my arms, feeling the warmness and scent of the girl. It was comforting. Like nothing I've ever felt before. I felt fully responsible for her, as if I could protect her from anything. And I wanted to protect her from anything.

Maybe she was my second chance. Maybe because I've been such a shitty father and husband. Maybe it's making up for that mistake that happened all those years ago. This could be my solution. My therapist always blabbers about how I need to find my solution, and maybe this is it.

Faith. Faith could be my new source of Faith.

Wicked chance that it's her name, right?

Just as I got carried away with my thoughts, Faith immeidiantly sprung out of my arms, her eyes wide.

"Oh my God!" Her hands flew to the sides of her face. "What time is it?"

"6:20" I said, looking across the room at the small, digital clock.

"Oh no... Oh my God..." She began to shake her head, and ran towards the door.

"What Faith? What is it?" I followed her towards the door, confused as fuck.

"I'm dead! I'm so dead!" She yelled as the pulls open the door and immediately runs out.

"Faith! Wait!" I cupped my hands over my mouth. "Faith!?"

But it was too late.

She was already gone.


Ey this was so fun to write

I've never written smut before so I hope this is alright....

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Pure Massacre // Billie JoeWhere stories live. Discover now