Chapter 1 - New Girl

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Teacher: "Alright students settle fast. Jung Y/n, come in. So, students, she is a new student who transferred from SJ High. Smiling at Y/n. Introduce yourself to the class."

Y/n: "Hello everyone, I am Jung Y/n, nice to meet you all." Smiles softly and bows

Teacher: "Alright, Y/n you can sit next to Jungkook." Pointing

Y/n: "Ok ma'am."

You walk towards the person the teacher had pointed to and place your bag on the table.

Jungkook: "Hi, have a seat. I am Jeon Jungkook." Smirks

Y/n: "Hi, I am Jung Y/n." Smiles

The teacher leaves the class. The accountancy teacher enters and begins to teach after getting introduced to you. The class ends and the bell rings making students rejoice in excitement because it is break time.

Jungkook: "So, why did you transfer here?"

Y/n: "Just because I wanted to change school." He is handsome as hell for a student!

Jungkook: with a doubtful expression "Ookay!"

????: excitedly "Hiii! I am Lee Hyeri. Nice to meet you!"

Y/n: "Hi, I am Jung Y/n

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Y/n: "Hi, I am Jung Y/n." smiles softly

Hyeri: "So do you mind exchanging seats with my partner? I mean will you be my bench partner? He is Jungkook's friend and whispering I kinda don't like them."

Y/n: "Sure, no problem. Turns towards Jungkook So I am exchanging seats with this boy. I hope you don't mind." Oh boi please don't get upset

Jungkook: "Do whatever you want." Says harshly

Y/n: Ok now that was quite rude but never mind

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Y/n: Ok now that was quite rude but never mind.

Taehyung: "Hi new girl. I am Kim Taehyung; you can call me V."

Y/n: "Hello V. I am Jung Y/n you can call me Y/n."

Taehyung: smirks "Nah, I am gonna call you 'new girl'." turns around to put his bag next to Jungkook

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