Chapter 12 - Awake

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Mom: "Y/n-ah! Wake up! You will be late to school or else!"

Y/n: yawning "Yes coming!"

Mom: "Wow dating does have an effect on you, huh, you look extra pretty today even on a bare face."

Y/n: "What do you mean Mom I have always had a pretty bare face."

Mom: "Oh now my daughter is behaving like Jin now."

Y/n: "Of course, I got my confidence from him only after I started working out in his gym. Now that you have mentioned I haven't met Jin oppa for a long time now. We need to meet him someday. Anyways what's for breakfast?"

Mom: "Go brush your teeth first, your breath smells like chocolate somehow."

Y/n: that is because of Jungkook....last night I guess he was eating chocolate before he dropped by my room coz he tasted like one. Hehe anyways.

You get ready for school in 20 minutes.

Mom: "Your breakfast is ready y/n."

Y/n: "Yay! Coming in a minute."

After a good, lovely breakfast you head to school and meet a happy Jungkook at the street inter-junction.

Jungkook: "Good morning angel, did you sleep well last night?"

Y/n: "Thanks to someone I had amazing dreams."

Jungkook: "Well well, then it would be my pleasure to do that every night from now on." Smirking.

Y/n: "Aish Kookie. Let's leave or else we will be late."

You both leave for school on your cycles and reach within 25 minutes.

*Anonymous Text*

Come to the store room now or else I will defame Jungkook like I did before.

You get terrified after looking at the message.

Jungkook: "What happened Y/n-nie?"

Y/n: "Uhm, you go to the class I need to use the restroom."

Jungkook: "I can wait for you outside the restroom dear."

Y/n: "No no it is alright I'll be back soon."

With this Jungkook goes to the class and you immediately rush to the store room.

Catherine: "So bitxh, didn't I tell you to stay away from my Jungkook? Now just ducking disappear from his life or else you know what will happen."

Y/n: "What will you even do? I know you are just threatening me but you won't be able to do any shit so just stop with this bullshit of yours and graduate from school peacefully."

*Bell Rings*

Catherine: "I will talk to you next week after I am back from London. Just you wait for what I can do."

Catherine threatens and walks away but she trips on the door's stopper.

Y/n: "You can't even walk properly, whom are you threatening? Get lost bull crap."

You turn around and leave for your class.

Jungkook: "What happened, sweety? You took so long? All good?"

Y/n: "I'm fine Kookie." Smiles.

Classes go on and Hyeri keeps glancing at you, and giggles and you know why she is doing that so you just give her a death glare. After 4 classes continuously it is finally lunch time.

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