[ 005 ] ashes to ashes

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v. ashes to ashes

"WHY ARE YOU GLARING AT ME?" asked the black cat as she narrowed her eyes at Miles' noticeable glare directed at her after Spiderman had used his webs to glide himself up onto the ceiling

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"WHY ARE YOU GLARING AT ME?" asked the black cat as she narrowed her eyes at Miles' noticeable glare directed at her after Spiderman had used his webs to glide himself up onto the ceiling. The older male had left the two safely on the observation ledge, leaving a flabbergasted Miles Morales to question her antics.

The boy scoffed, "you dropped me!" He emphasised, his jaw falling slack as he furrowed his eyebrows. He glanced behind him anxiously, awe bright in his eyes as he watched Spiderman swing effortlessly above the collider.

Felicity rolled her eyes at his tone, "Oh relax. If I didn't think spiderman would catch you, do you really think I'd of let you go?" She explained, her words earnest and valuing a sense of truth that he couldn't even deny.

Miles went to respond before he paused, eyebrows knitted together in thought as a shiver spilled down his arms in a river of goosebumps. "Do you feel that?" He inquired, his gaze scanning the room for the source of his unease.

Abruptly, a bullet of electrifying violet darkened the atmosphere as the masked devil's pathway of lambent purple stained his movements. His physique was built upon strength and swiftness, gifting him with enhanced speed and dexterity. With a menacing ambience, the figure lunged at spiderman, distracting the man from successfully shutting down the operation taking place.

Spiderman groaned aloud as his body met the unforgiving grip of his attacker's grip, the two of them spiralling through the air in a flush of violet, red and blue. And with a strained, muffled snark, Spiderman exposed his attackers name audibly.

The prowler.

"Man, I was in the middle of something!" Spiderman objected, fighting back against the Prowler's swift movements. He grunted as a mechanised fist slammed into his throat, manoeuvring himself free before earning two sharp punches from the villain. Before the masked hero could interject, the prowler blasted him backwards towards the machines.

From below, the two teenagers continued to stare with looks of utter disbelief. Felicity shook her head with internal annoyance as she stomped over to the edge of the yellow barricade, ambitious pouring into her movements. She wasn't the ideal candidate for 'a hero', but it would be cruel to simply leave the man to suffer against dual opponents when she had the power to intervene.

Disrupting her move to help Spiderman, Miles was quick to grab at her arm in an attempt to haul her backwards. "Woah, woah, woah, what are you doing?" He inquired, eyes blow wide as though she were attempting to do something he could never dream of.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going to make sure your new best friend is alright." She responded, scoffing at his dramatics, "I do stuff like this every other day, it's fine." She persisted.

Miles raised his eyebrows, a witty drawl in his voice, "you help spiderman shut down black hole machines everyday?" He contradicted, tilting his head with a slightly judgemental grimace on his face.

𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞, m.moralesWhere stories live. Discover now