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My hair were back to normal. I missed them so much .
These 2 months were more than fine because Haneul , Minji , Yuan and I went on double dates . My reputation at school wasn't all that bad .
Everyone seems to have forgotten about it , Rosa was leaving the school because she was going to debut along with Iseul . Under the same company . My father's.

Everything was going on so right that it all felt like a dream .

Haneul was going to graduate next year while I'll be still at school or in the USA.

I am not aware of the success rate of my plan .

Father was everyday brimming with energy . He even talked quite sweetly to me that I was reminded of the days when mother was still alive .
Jihyo was living life like a queen , traveling, going to spa's, hanging out with friends etc .

In simple words she was fooling around .

I was digging the flower patch to calm a storm of worries in head . But it seemed to not help at all .

I put the petunia seeds in the mud and cover them hoping for them to blossom soon .

"I never knew you adored gardening so much" Minji came with a shovel and watering pot . Her white skirt was soiled . Her face too was .

A laugh escaped my mouth .

"Look at yourself in the mirror". She sprinkles water from the watering pot at me while I rub my dirty hand on her face ."I just gave you free facial".

Minji's mother called us for lunch . I was spending my weekend at her place because today jihyo was going to deliver the baby .

"It's so delicious Mrs jang , I love your japchae and kimchi". I was starving . I could devour all the food on this table .

After playing board games and lazing around at her place . I decided to go home.


I close the door behind me and ask Mrs li who was probably waiting for me at the doorstep .

"How's the baby brother ?" I remove my shoes , but a few seconds pass in silence . She wasn't answering so I look up . "Mrs. Li is everything , alright? " Her eyes were moist and words were not coming out of her mouth .

"The child died" Now , it was more than shocking news .

"How ?" My voice was a fearful trill . Dad and jihyo were at the hospital and they'd be in really bad mood . Even if I try to snuck out tonight with the luggage and passport I'd be called from USA not called but dragged .

"It was premature baby . It's okay vivian . Go to your room the tutor is going to arrive in 10 minutes'".

While studying , something crossed my mind , something I wasn't sure if i should do . I thought what If I kill my father , what if he's gone then I get the wealth as well as I could see my Nanna .

I close the book and hop on the bed .

My phone started ringing .

My face brightened. "Hello Aunt" I almost cried .

"My miracle baby . How are you ?" Her voice so sweet just like mom . "Are you eating well ? Don't tell me your dad is beating you" .

"Aunt calm down . I'm okay . I'm just missing you so much" .

"I too am missing you my baby . I couldnt get your number have you lost your old phone ."

"Um yes" I can't tell her the assault .

"Oh , that lecherous man must die " she curses him for a while before turning her attention back to me . "Vivi , we're going to fight for your custody no matter how much ... i have to spend". Aunt cassandra had generatinal wealth and was without a heir . She loved me as her own child . But I never knew she'd want to take me In .

I didn't know what to say "I love you Aunt Cassandra".

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