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Asia Re'Shontae Allen | June 3, 2019

Unmotivated to go into work, Asia pushed off the time to go in the club since she knew Jayda would be there. She gave herself a quick pep talk before getting out of the car to go inside.

She immediately noticed Jayda looking at her with a soft expression as she walked into the club, causing her to lowly scoff, attempting to walk past her.

"Asia, I'm sorry." She said, pleading as she walked from behind the bar.

Her words halted Asia's movement, and she attempted to ignore her, laughing under her breath, contemplating on how she would react to Jayda.

"Uhoh." Booka mumbled, shaking his head as he stood up from the couch.

Asia turned around to face Jayda, instantly feeling the sadness, anger, and betrayal that she had felt when she caught her and Dominique, launching at her since she was unable to hold herself back longer.

"Bitch!" She yelled as she grabbed Jayda's hair, slinging her around the club.

"Break it up!" Top yelled as he grabbed Asia's waist while Louie grabbed Jayda's, and Asia tried swinging on her, but couldn't because Booka caught her arm mid-swing.

"Fuck is y'all doin'?" Von asked, pulling his pants up as he walked closer to the commotion before realizing it was Jayda and Asia.

"Asia, let ha hair go, gang!" Top yelled, pulling at Asia's waist as he and Booka tried breaking her grip off Jayda.

"Man, move." Von muttered as he pushed Booka out the way, grabbing Asia's arms, and breaking the hold that she had on Jayda's hair with swift strength.

"YOU FAKE ASS HOE!" She yelled, throwing a glass at Jayda before Von and Top held her back from getting to her again.

"Wait!" Jayda cried as Louie stood beside her.

"GIRL, FUCK YOU! WASSUP?! I WANT ALL THE SMOKE, FIGHT BITCH!" Asia yelled as she continued to try to get past Von and Top.

"I'm pregnant." She mumbled, causing Asia's heart to drop yet again.

"Bitch, what?" She asked in disgust.

"I'm sorry. It was a mistake. I never meant to be a bad friend and hurt you." Jayda cried as she held herself.

"Man, fuck you and that baby, Jayda. I'm out this bitch cause I'll really kill you." Asia scoffed, picking up her purse as her voice cracked, and she walked out of the club, trying to hold her tears back.

Von shook his head at Jayda, scoffing in disgust before he followed Asia out of club, wanting to check on her.

"Asia?" He called out to her, jogging behind her to catch up with her.

She turned to face him, signing. "Can I have tonight off, please. I need it bad, Von."

He walked closer to her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders as he hugged her. "Yeah, Ma. I'll be at yo crib when this shit ova' wit' tonight." He said, pulling away from the hug.

Sniffing as she avoided eye contact, "No. I rather be alone right now. Thank you though."

"I'm comin' anyway, lil foenem." He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, and she smiled at him before walking to the driver's side, opening the door, getting in the car, and pulling off.

After about ten minutes, Asia sat in her car in the parking lot of Chic-fil-a, listening to the music, clearing her mind from the emotionally traumatic events that had happened to her the last twenty-four hours. Taking her phone off Do Not Disturb, multiple texts and calls from India, Durk, and Von came through.

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