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November 4, 2019

Asia walked into the living room of her new apartment, opening the blinds to allow the natural sunlight to shine throughout her home.

After the events that happened on her birthday, she hadn't talked to or seen Von. She moved places and changed her number so that he couldn't find her, uninterested in talking to him.

As expected, only trusted people that knew where she lived were Ari and Keisha. She chose to keep it private from India because she knew that Durk would get the information out of her for Von, and that was the last thing she wanted.

She had been keeping a huge secret from a lot of people around her except Ari and Keisha, only trusting that they'd keep it on the low.

She knew that Ari wouldn't tell anyone, and she knew that Keisha had no reason to tell anyone.

"That was a hard one, little one." She mumbled to her belly as she rubbed it, releasing a sharp breath.

Although she knew that it was extremely harsh to lie about having the abortion, but she wanted nothing to do with Von. She hated liars, and she didn't want her child to experience the same disappointment and hurt that she had to deal with because of Von's selfish and careless actions.

She was officially twenty-nine weeks pregnant, and she was drained from hiding it from India.

She had set up a girls day at her apartment, praying that India wouldn't be upset that she didn't tell her about the pregnancy.

There was a knock at her door, causing her to stand up from the chair, and she opened the door, smiling when she saw her friends- Ari, India, and Keisha.

"Hey!" Ari and Keisha yelled as they walked past her, going into the apartment.

India stood at the door with a frown on her face, looking at Asia's belly. "What the fuck?"

"I know, but I had my reasons. Just come inside and we can talk about it." Asia reasoned as she opened the door wider, sighing when India finally walked inside.

Throwing her purse on the couch, "So why you ain't tell me? You ain't trust me or sum?" India asked as she stared at Asia, causing Ari and Keisha to look at one another.

"I ain't trust that you could keep it from Durk. I know you, India. You tell that man everything even without tryin' to." Asia replied, shrugging her shoulders.

India looked at Keisha and Ari, looking for validation. "That ain't true."

"Uh, it is." Keisha mumbled as she sat down on the couch, Ari following behind her.

"Bitch, you do." Ari nodded her head, laughing when India rolled her eyes.

Asia sat down in the chair, putting a pillow over her belly. "Don't be mad, Indi. I just ain't want Von to know that I lied about havin' an abortion."

India heavily signed, pulling her into a tight hug. "I know. I just hate not bein' in the loop."

"You are now. I couldn't hide it from you nomo." Asia chuckled, resting her head on India's shoulder.

India looked down at Asia, sighing. "Von hate you."

"I know. That's what I want." Asia shrugged, not caring that the father of her child despised her.

"And you know that nigga back wit' Asian afta' ha ass lied about that pregnancy and had an abortion a few months ago." India farther explained, shaking her head in disappointment as she thought about the situation.

"He what?" Asia lowly scoffed, rolling her eyes as she shook her head.

"Yeah, but it's clearly just to hide the shit that he feel fa you. I can tell you ain't been on social media." India chuckled as she looked down at Asia's stomach.

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