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January 31, 2020

It was Asia's due date and still no baby.

She sat in her living room, watching one of her favorite television shows, Supernatural, while she bounced on the ball.

She had been feeling minor contractions for approximately two days, signaling that she was in active labor.

Despite Von pulling at her nerves about going to the hospital, she refused to go, knowing that the doctors would only send her back home.

"Shit." She groaned in pain, feeling sharp pains in her vagina and lower back.

Unable to bounce on the ball any longer, she stood up from it, turning the television off, and she went to the bedroom, lying down as she FaceTimed Von.

Picking up after two rings, "Wassup, Ma?" He asked as he propped his phone up against the paper towel holder.

"I'm tryna go to sleep so I won't feel the lil pain that I'm feeling." She painfully mumbled, slowly closing her eyes.

"Want me to come and lay wit' you? I ain't wanna be around Booka and nem anyway." He seriously started, immediately grabbing his belongings.

"No, stay wit' yo friends. I'a be okay, Von." She chuckled, finding his eagerness to be with her adorable.

Within seconds of replying to him, she gasped when she felt liquid gushing out of her vagina.

"Oh my god." She shockingly muttered as her eyes bucked, feeling uncomfortable and caught off guard.

"What happened?" He asked as he picked up the phone, putting it to his ear.

"My water just broke." She nervously chuckled, getting out of the bed, even though her mind had begun to spin out of control.

"I'm on the way. My phone on five, but I'a be thea' in like thirty minutes, Ma." He eagerly replied, walking out of the house.


Asia quickly hung up the phone, sitting it on the nightstand before she pulled the drenched covers off the bed, taking them to the washer.

She tossed the covers in the washer, then she stripped out of her soaked clothes, putting them in the washer as well. She inserted two cups of liquid Gain washing detergent before putting in a cup of blue Downy beads, instantly starting the washer.

She slowly walked to the bathroom, starting the shower, and she stepped inside, bathing herself twice. When she finished showering, she dried her body off with the yellow towel, then she rubbed oil on the surface of her skin before putting on her hospital outfit.

"Aight, this shit startin' to hurt, lil girl." She painfully grunted as she walked into the living room, sitting on the ball, and she bounced on it.

Seven Minutes Later

Hearing the front door open, Asia tiredly lifted her head from the arm of the couch, forcing a smile when she saw Von.

"I went to the house to get the hospital bags. Come on, lil folks." He instructed as he tried grabbed her hand, trying to pull her body from the ball until she refused to get up.

Pushing him back, "Don't touch me, Von. Ima stay my black ass right here until I can't take it nomo."

"What? Bro, don't start." He frowned, agitatedly sighing at her frequent stubbornness.

He was extremely confused on how she could manage to remain stubborn even in labor.

"I hate hospitals, baby. I don't wanna be in there fa a long time, so ima hold off befo' goin' as long as I possibly can."

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