Stranger Danger

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The Killjoys took on the Dracs while the girl hid behind a large metal barrel to avoid crossfire. It didn't take long before the two Draculoids were defeated after barley putting up a fight.

" Everyone good?" Poison asked putting his weapon back in it's holster.

" Yep" the other replied in unison

The attention turned to the kid now. Jet ran over to where she was hiding followed by the others. He knelt down next to her.

" you alright kid?" He asked

She was about five years old and had curly brown hair similar to his own, and she had brown eyes and light freckles. She was desperately trying to catch her breath in between shaky sobs, while clutching her arm which was obviously injured. It broke Jets heart.

" Can I see your arm?" he asked reaching out to touch it. She flinched away trying to move further away from the men.

Poison got down next to Jet in a attempt to gain her trust.

" Were not gonna hurt you kid, I promise.We just want to help you." he said said to reassure her

" Your- Your the guys from the pictures." she said quietly

" AHH! WERE FAMOUS!" Ghoul said striking a pose before Kobra kicked the back of his knees causing him to fall.

" Yeah, Were the Fabulous Killjoys." Poison said confirming her suspension.

" Despite what they may say back in the city nobody out here would hurt you unless your a drac." he continued gently  assuring her they were good guys.

" My names Party Poison, This is Jet star" Poison said motioning to the smiling man on his side and the two behind me are Fun Ghoul and my brother Kobra Kid."

" so...Your not gonna shoot me?" She asked still scared out of her wits

" Of course not!" Jet said

She took a breath trying to accept they were okay to talk to and moved her hand from holding her arm to wipe tears out of her eyes.

A rush of blood streamed down her arm, causing the men to gasp.

" Dear Destroya!" Kobra remarked looking at the grisly gash on her tiny arm.

" Put your hand back over it hun"  Jet instructed

He looked around for something to stop the bleeding.

 " Poison can I use the bandana on your leg?"

" yeah, good thinking."

He untied the yellow cloth and handed it to Jet who gently wrapped it around her arm before pulling it tight. She yelped in pain. However the sight of her own blood mixed with the adrenaline was enough to cause her to slump over as she passed out.

The killjoys looked at her for a moment before Ghoul spoke.

" what do we do now?" 

" we can't leave her here"

" yeah it gets way too cold she'll get ghosted for sure."

Jet took his jacket off and draped it over the unconscious girls shoulders. " Speaking of night, we gotta get home before we freeze ourselves." He said before gently picking up the child and resting her head on his shoulder. 

" agreed lets head home." Poison said nodding his head

" OoooOOOHHhhhh" Ghoul whined " I didn't get to finish my lizardddd" He complained

" Would you like a doggy bag for that Mr.Ghoul?" Poison asked sarcastically

" HA HA very funny Mr.Cricket connoisseur ." he said kicking sand up at the red haired man as they began the long walk home. 

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