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They all piled into the Trans Am which was painted in many colorful designs, Girl was intrigued by the vehicle, she had not been in a car for a very long time, as back in the city, vehicle access was strict.Jet Picked her up and strapped her into the back seat of the car.

"Don't you think she needs a car seat guys?" Jet asked anxiously, making sure the seat belt was fastened correctly. 

"'s not a bad thought if we had a car seat to put her in" Kobra responded  getting into the passenger seat, Next to Poison who was in the drivers seat.

Jet and Ghoul sat on either side of Girl in the back seat and they were off!! Girl looked out the windows of the car, watching everything fly past as the diner got further and further out of sight, the watched the barren landscape with excitement. 

"wow! were going so fast! VROOM!!" Girl said giggling, the increase in speed made Jet nervous. 

"please be careful Poison"

" I am! I have never once got in a wreck before relax!" Poison insisted. Ghoul chuckled at Jet's nerves.

"chill out dude! were not going across the zones or fact....Missile look out my window real quick" Ghoul said

Girl perked up and sat up straight in her seat to see out his window, outside was a tiny pink shack with some wooden advertisement's out front.

"what's that place?"

"That's the store...that's where we get stuff we can't find out in the scrap heaps"

"Woah! Really!? that's so cool!!" she exclaimed happily

Poison parked the car

"Ready sunshine?" He asked turning around to face her


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