2 | "You're My Rockstar"

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chapter 2 ; popular all of the sudden?
amir x chika

Ellie sound shocked after I'm trending in Twitter now..

"Eh, I didn't expect this to be happened. Like literally I just met Amir one hour ago and this happened?"

"What do you mean? You met Amir? Why you didn't tell me earlier?! I need to met him today, sheesh.."
Gabbie sounded annoyed since Amir didn't went to see her today.

"Anyways Ellie, Why you're in KL suddenly? Meeting your favorite alien boy?" I smirked at her.

"Well obviously yeah! Im meeting my fav alien boy, Nadhir. Like literally I didn't expect you to be here though.."

"Umm well yeah.. Im missing Malaysia alot lately so, why not i came here for a little bit" I laughed.

Suddenly someone enter the room. It was Fazziq that Gabbie mentioned earlier.

"Weh Gabbie, mana kau tadi? Amir cari kau tau tadi!"


Lah, aku pergi pasar seni tadi kejap. Bawak budak British ni pergi jalan-jalan kejap"

Fazziq look at Ellie for a moment.

"Eh, You kan Nadhir punya girlfriend? " Fazziq asked Ellie.

Ellie looked confused since she didn't speak Malay and Gabbie went to translate for her.

"Oh! yeah im Nadhir's girlfriend! You must be Fazziq right! I heard alot about you since Gabbie always hearing radio station from ERA"

"Eh hahahaha, kau dengar ERA eh Gabbie." Fazziq asked Gabbie about her listening to radio in ERA.

Gabbie looked away from him.

We then laughing and Fazziq looked at me for a moment.

"Eh you kan.. yang amir cakap tu?"

"Hah? W-what?"

"You're the one that Amir talking about in the tweets right?

"ahhh ye lah tu"

"Eh, boleh cakap Melayu?"

"Dia dulu pernah ikut ayah dia kerja kt Terengganu so dia boleh cakap Malay."
Gabbie answered Fazziq's question for me.

"Ohhh, patutlah. Eh you tak tau yang awak sekarang ni popular dekat Malaysia?"

"Huh? Apa? Popular?"
Last time i recalled DayZ just popular in around UK and America not to mention some of the East Asia.

"Camana lah dia ni boleh popular.. habislah nanti Amir kena masuk Melodi japgi" Gabbie joked about Amir going to the tv shows about celebrity's gossip some kind like that.

"Ahh kau, yang bukan-bukan je kau"
Fazziq laughed.

Suddenly I got notifications from my Iphone. It was from Amir!

amir <3

awak, sorry tau sbb saya awk tetiba jadi popular.

tak, bukan salah awak pun.

sebagai tanda mintak maaf, i want to take you somewhere tonight. nak pegi tak? are you free? jangan ajak Gabbie tau! nanti dia mengamuk!

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