Chapter 10 - 25th of June and An odd Encounter.

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A/N: Yo what up! Y'all (talking to the two or three people actually reading this, yes, I see you) didn't really think I forgot about this, did ya? Nah girly/boy pops. Anyways! Have fun reading<3

25th of June.

That was not the day, that Hermione thought she would throw up, due to anxiety. But here she was, bending over behind a tree on Privet Drive Nr. 4.

Ron rubbing circles on her back, his hands shaking and eyes haunted looking.

The cloud of smoke had not yet settled, and people were talking about someone who had been staying in the otherwise empty house, and they all knew it was Harry.

The fire department was searching the rubble and calling to anyone who would listen. Molly and Arthur were standing with their arms around one another, both very shaken up.

The police had allowed them access, when they informed them that their son/brother/best friend had been staying in there.

So far nothing other than rock and debris had been found.

Hermione and Ron went back to the group, just as someone called out.

"There's blood!"

Molly shook her head, sobbing heavily into her hand. "How much?!"

Paramedics had arrived, without a siren, meaning they weren't optimistic.

"Not a lot! Around a litre or so!"

"Mate! That's a lot!"


Everyone held their breaths as silence filled the place. And it wasn't released until the voice called out.

"No ones here! But there has been!"

Hermione let out a scream of sadness and collapsed to her knees, Ron desperately trying to hold onto her, but couldn't get a good enough grip, his hands shaking too much.

The neighbourhood all hurried over to help the grieving family.

"I'm sure your brother is okay, love. They said someone had been there, he had to have gotten out on his own. Is he a smart kid?"

Hermione breathed with the kind lady, and shook her head.

"He's a bloody idiot!" Hermione sobbed with a laugh, making the lady smile. "But he's my idiot... And I want him safe..."

The lady nodded. "I'm sure he found somewhere that he could be taken care of. Don't you worry, darling..."

The fire department walked out and one of the men had something broken in his hands. "Oh my Merlin..." Molly gasped, holding a hand over her mouth.

"Hedwig... You don't think..."

Ginny shook her head and spun around, hiding her face in Luna's shoulder, the blonde haired girl, wrapped her arms around her lover and sighed.

"I sense no death, here... Do not worry, my love..."

Everyone sighed with relief and then walked away. "Come, let's go to the shop and clean up some more, until we find Harry..."

Now, they were all at the Burrow, hoping for more letters from Harry, but so far, none had made an appearance.

"What is the matter, Arthur?"

Luna asked, laying her head to the side as the man entered his house. This made everyone aware that something must be off, and turned to look at their father/husband/friend.

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