Chapter 20 - A new Merlin.

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A/N: Hey everyone, so sorry about my recent absence, the doctors are all idiots, and I hate the medical system. Take all my blood, and still don't know what's the matter, and refuse other tests... Just because I am a woman, it is the period I haven't had for months because of reasons, or it is Psychological. Anyways, excuse me while I scream into a pillow and ready the next chapter for you all.
Enjoy! And happy summer.

"So..." Henry whispered as him and Harry laid together on the bed in the Weasley Burrow.

It had been one hell of an evening, and Henry had been given the proper introduction to the family, by the Weasley kids, and he was royally messed up, with no way of protecting himself against it all. Harry, - who had been sitting with Luna, Fleur, Hermione, Molly and Arthur at the table, going over some different subjects about how Harry had been whilst he was gone, when Henry returned around the corner, - fell into a fit of laughter.

Henry was completely drenched and was many different colours, his hair was purple, blue and red, his shirt was no longer yellow, but a bright pink, and his shoes were clown feet sized...

Harry had stood up and walked over to him, giving him a kiss despite it all, and with the flick of a wrist, removed the mess on the man.

"Hm?" Harry questioned, shaking out of the slight fade into sleep that had begun to drag him along.

"I'm... Not your mate, am I?" Henry asked and Harry found himself fully awake once again, just staring over Henry's chest. "That's why you always drag on the... Spending forever together, aspect of our relationship..."

Harry cleared his throat, and it was enough for Henry to know. The man sighed and nodded slowly.

"Like... I get it... Back when I didn't know, you couldn't tell me without letting me know. But the fact, that even after revealing all about your father, the mate-ship and your inheritance... You still didn't tell me... That's the part that hurts, Hadrian."

Harry sighed and moved to raise up on one arm, looking at the blonde, his other hand moving into his hair, that still had a slight tint of the red and blue. "Henry... No, you're not my mate." Henry's jaw flexed and Harry smiled softly. "I don't know, who my mate is... And in this moment, I don't really care."

The blonde man raised a brow and looked at Harry with a small hum of confusion. "Mate-ship is difficult... To truly know if they are your mate, at least for the submissive... You would have had to lock eyes and actually be conscious of looking for your mate. And even if that happens, before intercourse, you're not truly bound to ever be with them. You will never have the exact same experiences as you would with your mate. But you can have a full life, with someone that isn't your mate."

Henry took a minute to let the new information settle, and Harry let him, just staring into those beautiful blue eyes of the man in his bed. Charlie and Ron laid on two beds a little away from them, but they were both sound asleep, luckily.

"So... When you don't want to talk about our future-?"

"It is not about our future..." Harry interrupted with a small sigh, flopping back onto the bed, turning his head to look at Henry. "Eight months ago..." He whispered and Henry raised a brow, turning his head as well. "Eight months ago, I wasn't even sure I would make it to my eighteenth birthday... I was dead, for a short while..." Harry turned his head away from the horror in Henry's eyes and cleared his throat.

"So it is the general aspect of the future that scares me, because I never used to actually have one. I never had to plan and think about it."

Henry moved to lean over Harry, one arm holding him up. Harry gave him a soft smile.

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