Airport Madness Part 2

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( Get ready for some fun moments! Here is some Diva as well, for those fans. Perhaps some good old ancient Egyptian magic will happen too.)

"I think it will be wise if we stick together," Diva adds.

"Mhmh, yes I believe that is out best option." Atem agreed with him.


We just checked out luggage in. The crowds of people began to swarm all around. Rushing to get to their gates. I was left there standing alone, as people squeezed by me, pushing me a bit each time, bumping into my shoulders.

"J-just how did this happen???"

'Atem?? Diva??' I couldn't see them at all. 'Shit..!' I looked at my ticket, trying to see if I could spot the sign that would leave me to the gate. I could kinda make out the number waaay at the far back.

I took in a bit of gulp of air, trying to give myself confidence, and began to shove through the people. "Excuse me..!"

~ Moment's later

"Uh... where is ____?" Diva asked worried. The group stopped, turning around. "Oh no..! she must still be back there." Gasped Atem.

"We don't have much time...!" Yugi began to panic.

"We need to find her quickly...!" Atme began to run backward plowing through people.

"W-wait! Atem..!" Yugi called.

"Oh dear..this is bad." Diva wasn't sure what to do, go on or wait for him. "Yugi.. let's go to the gate..! We will go there the security that we lost a friend and our waiting for them to get to us."


"No, we must! We have to trust Atem that he will find ____."

"....alright. I just hope he will be on time."


Atem ran as fast as he could plowing by people. "____? where are you..!?" He whispered a bit louder. He didn't have a phone. He couldn't just call. Then all the way back, like 6 gates away. He spotted the figure of his friend. "No..! it's so far."


"T-this way..!" Fire in my eyes burned as I tried to pass by people, but they were rude at times,m and only pushed back. I was being swallowed up. "Excuse me...! I need to..pass by..!"


"Huh?" I thought I heard my voice. I didn't see anyone familiar. "Ugh...!" I passed by another group of people.

"____..! are you here?!" I could swear I heard a voice trying to overpower the noise of the crowds. It was hard to tell.

"Suddenly I see an arm and shoulder poked out from the lineup. A familiar golden cuff caught my attention. "A-Atem..??"

 I grabbed that arm, hoping it was him. I was dragged through the crowd. My arm was held firmly, but gently. the pulling didn't stop till we were in the clear.

I was faced with deep violet eyes, with a slight golden eye glowing on the forehead of Atem. He must have used a bit of his powers to locate me. "Found you..! Are you alright?"

"Y-yes but we need to go..!!" I shoved Atem's shoulder remembering we had a plane to catch. With a surprised gasp, Atem join me as we ran back towards Diva and Yugi.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Eternally Gold Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now