🌹Confronting The Kaiba Part 2🌸

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( Thanks for all the votes! Glad to see people enjoy this)

I was eating my food at a cafe window, and eventually, Atem quietly joined me. He also had some food with him and tea.

This reminded me of the time when we were both eating outside in the palace garden. Just the two of us.

I nearly choked on my food, when Kaiba's face suddenly showed up next to my window. Atem eyes widen with concern. "Are you alright?" He asked. Seeing my frozen state as his violet eyes trailed in the direction of mine.

Kaiba wanted something. Sweat dripped from Atem's face. 'The game is up.'

"You don't have to go, I will." Atem offered, feeling his protective side come out.

I sighed." N-no...I think I should go too."

"Very well, but I go with you." I picked up my teacup and gulped down the rest, we went to pay.

'____...' Dark spoke to me. I knew Atem could see him. My duel spirit looked at me worried. 'He may not be in the right mind.' The Magician spoke worriedly.

( Small Flash Back)

This uneasy feeling was similar to the other time when I entered Atem's puzzle. I wasn't sure if it was possible again, but I guess with a bit of power I could still do so.

"____, I sensed you were here." Atem came walking down the halls meeting my worried state. I was a bit shaken about being alone in the dark for a while.

"What is it ____?" He asked with concern in his tone. "Has my puzzle treated you poorly?" Atem now stood in front of me. He had is arms around my upper back. He could feel me tremble a bit.

"Don't worry, you are safe. It can't harm you when I'm here."

"I don't hate your puzzle, It's fascinating, but when I get pulled in suddenly, I never know where I end up."

"I understand.. sorry for it being so unstable at times."

"I can send you back if you like...?"

( End Of Flash Back)

I was zapped from my mind, with a touch on my arm. Atem was looking at me, still worried. He couldn't help it.

I began to walk outside, trying to shove my thoughts away. Kaiba waited impatiently outside. He was tapping his feet against the ground.

'Ugh don't tell me, I need to return to Ancient Egypt to escape Kaiba..' I loved Atem's palace but, Kaiba was such an annoying obstacle to avoid.

"Calm...." Atem whispered to me softly. Atem would stop me if I was about to punch Kaiba, he wouldn't want me to, unless he really deserved it.

"Took you long enough."

I sighed again. Atem put a hand on my back, I could just hear his words in my mind. Telling me to stay calm, don't crack.

"You finally returned."

"Yes," Atem answered.

"I was speaking to ____." Atem's nose crinkled a bit.

I was bout to speak, when two more figures showed up, grinning at Kaiba." My my, Kaiba."

Diva, and Bakura both flashed grins at Kaiba. The kind of killer grin Diva had. Reminding of their past issues.

 Reminding of their past issues

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"Oh great....tch." Kaiba disliked this.

'Damn...so cold Diva.' I thought, his evil grin really hit. He will never let go of that dislike for Kaiba. "Hello, Kaiba." Bakura flashed his creepy grin too.

Atem grinned in the back of his mind. 

"Speak Kaiba, you have 10 seconds," Atem stated

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"Speak Kaiba, you have 10 seconds," Atem stated. I nearly laughed. He was outnumbered by us.

I sighed. Kaiba just wanted to talk to me at this point. "..guys can we have a moment. Please..?"

Kaiba's face lit up a bit. Atem looked into my eyes a bit. "Very well, let's let them be." Atem spoke to my friends. Diva, Bakura, and Atem turned around and walked to a bench, they mumbled to them selves. While Kaiba and I turned around to speak a couple of meters away from the group.

"Alright, you got what you wanted. What is it Kaiba, why do you even want to talk to me?" He surly doesn't hold feelings for me, no he liked Kisara technically. I laughed a bit to myself.

"Well, seeing as we both lived and survived Ancient Egypt, I thought it would be alright to talk." He started.

"Yes, but I was already there once before. It isn't an issue for me."

"The Pharaoh never wanted to tell me he was coming back here, he never even said that you left that era in time. I only just saw you yesterday. So I was surprised to see these events come together so suddenly."

"That hE is there am I right?" I slightly attacked Kaiba with my words.

"Yes. I know you have a bond with the Pharaoh, but I also feel..different since I met...that Preist."

His other self...

"Just spit it out Kaiba, you want to say that you are glad to see I am not dead? Right?"

Kaiba stepped back at my voice that was raising. "That and you want to duel Atem again."

"Ugh, yes least you are alive. Otherwise, Yugi and his gang would drive me crazy." I rolled my eyes.

"However there is one other thing. I am slowly working on a new project, and..seeing He is here. This project could use the knowledge of one like the Pharaoh, it's very important."

"Kaiba he is not a tool.! or a guinea pig."

Kaiba rolled his eyes."Fool, not that. It's a job opportunity."

"Can you at least tell me what it is? I can tell you want me to ask Atem to help you with this project." 

"I am working on building a ancient Egyptian-based Night Club, next to the museum. The location would be perfect. It needs to be flawless, the decotations and music, everything.Now do you understand why?"

I was walking back to my friend, after talking to Kaiba. 'A Egyptian nigh club...that sounds....interesting. Atem...might actually enjoy that too, but would he really want to work with Kaiba?? Could they actually get along and not fight. Kinda like Preist Seto."

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Eternally Gold Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now