Chapter 10: P4L, baby

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Rafe takes you. He burns you, hits you a lot, stricks you, makes you take cold shower...

 He burns you, hits you a lot, stricks you, makes you take cold shower

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You are so scared. Rafe looks like a real killer. You cry and scream. You got many scares on your body. One week later, you go to eat, and you see Rafe is sleeping. You take a chair, and throw it on him. You start looking for a door. You finally go out of the house. The light of the sun hurts your eyes, you haven't seen the sun, other people, cars, anything of the normal life since three months. You run very fast. You see panels "Nassau". You understand that you are to the Bahamas. You want to go to OBX. You jump on a train.

 After 2 days of travel, you arrive to the Outer Banks

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After 2 days of travel, you arrive to the Outer Banks. You are so happy. You cry. You run, and pass in front of the Cameron's house. You see that the pogues roght "murderer" in big on the door. You smile, and keep runing to the chateau. You arrive to the chateau. You see all the pogues. You stop runing. You can't believe that you are really here.

Sarah looks outside and sees you.

S: Y/N ?!?

Jb: Sarah, I know it's hard, but she is not her anymore, okay ? Babe I'm sorry..

Jj starts to cry, thinking about you. You stand here, under the rain, in chock. You don't realise where you are. Kiara looks out and sees you too.

K: Oh my god, no, Sarah is right ! She's here !

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K: Oh my god, no, Sarah is right ! She's here !

C: Oh god !

The three girls run over you so happy. The boys look outside and see you

S: Y/n, oh my you are here !! Where have you been ?!

K: Y/n, you're back ! We missed you so much !

C: Holly crap, girl you're alive !!

C: Holly crap, girl you're alive !!

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They all hug you. Everyone is crying. Boys are chocked. They don't move during a few seconds. Pope and John B come for you. They hug you

Jb: What the fuck are you doing here ?! Where were you ?!? Oh fuck me !

P: You scared us, y/n ! We thought that we will never see you again !!

Everyone asks you a lot of things. You still don't move

P: Hey, Y/n, are you with us ?

S: Y/n ?

K: Why do she doesn't answer ? She don't move, don't speak, don't cry

P: I think she is chocked. She is probably traumatized

C: I think she is not the only one...

C: I think she is not the only one

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Everyone looks at Jj. He didn't move too, but he is crying a lot. He start running very fast over you. He takes you into his arms very very tight. He is crying uncontrably. You hug him too and imediatly cry too. You stay like that during 5 long minutes. Then, Jj looks at you

Jj: Are you really here ?!?

Y/n: I think so..?

Jj: Oh my god I missed you so much, you can't imagine

Y/n: No, I can..I've missed too..I thought...I thought he killed you...

Jj: No, I'm here, I've always been here. Who are you talking about ? Rafe ?

 Who are you talking about ? Rafe ?

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You cry more

Jj: What did he do ?! Did he hurt you ?!?

Y/n: I....he....

Jj wrapes his arms around you.

Jj: He is not here, baby, you can talk to me. You are in security, now. We are all here to protect you

You take a time to breath. You all sit on the porch.

Jj's lover (full story Jj & y/n)Where stories live. Discover now