Chapter 36: Reunion

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Y/n: I thought that I wont see you again !! And that Sunny would live what I lived !!! I can't imagine her face if I was telling her that she will not see you for 2 years... I was asking myself how I was gonna do to live 2 years without you..Just with Sunny who would be so sad about it...I can't live without you !! I'm obesessed and addicted with you !!! I love you so much you can't imagine !!

Jj: But I'm here, okay ? Look at me..Look at me !!

You look at him. You are crying very much. He is too

Jj: Listen to me

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Jj: Listen to me. I'll never..never leave you. Did you hear me ?? Never !! I promise. And of course I can imagine, baby..cause I feel the same about you. I love you so much ! I want you to never forget it, okay ?

Y/n: Okay..

Jj: I love you, princess..

Y/n: I love you too, J..

You call Sarah and explain everything to her. You go to the chateau with Jj to take Sunny back. She's very happy to see her dad. 1 week passed. Topper is in jail for 2 years. You are at home. Every pogues are in the kitchen. You look outside by the window and see Rafe, standing in front of your house. He sees you. You go outside

Y/n: What the hell are you doing here ?!!

R: Calm down ! I just wanted to see you and your little familu ! So ? What's up ?

Y/n: What do you want ?

R: Nothing !

Y/n: Stop it ! Don't lie to me !

R: Well..I heared about Topper. I heared the whole story. It means that I heard about your pretty speech too

Y/n: He deserved it. Less than you, but he did

R: And..I want..hum..

Y/n: What ? You want to kidnap me ? To shoot me ?

R: Stop

Y/n: Oh, you maybe want to try to rape me !

R: I can't do that

Y/n: Oh, really ?? Some time ago you aparently could ! And you did all of it !

R: Shut up ! Now you stop talking !

Y/n: Why would I do everything you tell me to do ?

R: Cause if you don't, I'm gonna...You're gonna reret it

Y/n: I'm not an object, or your toy. I do what I want to do, when I want to do it, and with people I want. You don't control my life. And I'm not gonna let you do everything you want with me, or with my body. And to finish, don't you dare come here to see my daughter anymore.

R: What's her name ?

Y/n: Now, please, get out of my porch

R: What's her name ?!

Jj's lover (full story Jj & y/n)Where stories live. Discover now