1. AUGUST 15th, 2014 BRISTOL

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*strong language throughout

Bristol, south-west, England. August 2014. 

ANDRAYA NORMAN, 20. Long, straight blonde hair, blue eyes, round-face and freckles. Despite her young age she is sad, tired and dispassionate. ANDRAYA, or ANDIE, works in an Estate Agents. Sat at a desk, ANDIE is miserably scrolling on her computer. The phone rings. She checks the number.

Andie: Fuck.

ANDIE places a smile on her face before answering, enthusiastically.

Andie: You've reached Andraya Norman at Greenland Real Estate. Ah, Mr Haas, yes, we've been waiting for your call. Miss Lopez is unfortunately out of office at this time, but I am assisting - well, as you know your property just went live on our website last week and I have already had six enquiries and three confirmed viewing appointments.

She waits for him to speak, nodding and 'mmhmming'.

Yes, it is certainly promising. As for your relocation, we have been working closely with a private realtor in the Surrey area and they have a fantastic property they would like you to view. Six beds, 3 and a half baths, a wonderful garden and pond.

He talks, she nods and 'mmhs'.

Shall I send you our contact's number so that you might be able to talk to him yourself? Excellent. We will of course give you a ring if there are any offers made for your property, shouldn't be long. Thank you, have a wonderful day Mr Haas.

She hangs up at the act drops. She stretches her face and rubs her eyes. 

Another day, another dollar. 

Manager: ANDIE?

In the manager's office. ANDIE is sat upright with a fake smile.

Manager: Sit. How long have you worked at our company, Andie?

Andie: A little under a year. 

Manager: How are you finding it?

Andie: I'm enjoying it. Working under Olivia Lopez has been fantastic. I've learnt a lot.

Manager: You have made excellent progress. Clients like you, colleagues like you. You have a positive attitude.

ANDIE's smile wavers a moment.

Andie: Thank you.

Manager: Well, here is what I would like to offer you, I know when you first started working here you were talking about University, this was...a year in industry, shall we say, but if you signed a contract that said you stayed for another year I could promote you so you could have your own clients. More responsibility. More money. How does that sound?

Andie: Uh...great. That sounds great.

Manager: Great. Happy to sign now? The offer can only stand for the next 24 hours.

Later that day. ANDIE is walking home down a busy street.

Mum: You signed it?

Andie: It's a raise, it's good experience, it's something I want.

Mum: Andraya.

Andie: Mum.

Mum: Andraya! You promised. You promised you'd get your degree.

Andie: I'm still going to get a degree. Sometimes the company pays for you -

Mum: I thought you wanted to go into theatre. Performing arts. We talked about it.

Andie: C'mon, mum. You know as well as I do how competitive the industry is. Staying at Greenland Real Estate is a guaranteed career.

Mum: Why didn't you talk to me first?

Andie: Because you always think you know best and I don't want your opinion. This is my life!

Mum: What time will you be home? We need to discuss this.

Andie: I'm staying at Gary's.


Andie: I'm like four doors away from him, why would I walk all the way to the train station and hop a train when he literally lives –

Mum: Because he's a weed-smoking, pyramid-scheming, waste of space.

Andie: I'm not having this conversation again.

Mum: He cheated on you!

Andie: He was drunk and he's apologised.

Mum: You're ruining your life.

Andie: I'm sorry you feel that way.

ANDIE hangs up. Outside her boyfriend's house. She is tired and grumpy after her conversation with her mother. She gets a bottle of prosecco out of her bag, holds it up and knocks on the door. When GARY opens the door it's only a crack and he doesn't look at the bottle. 

Gary: Oh, Andie, hey, what time is it?

Andie: I text you to say I was leaving the office.

Gary: Oh shit, I didn't get that I guess, uhm, yeah, I, well, I can't let you in actually.

Thinking it's a joke, she laughs a bit. 

Andie: Stop fucking around, Gary.

Gary: Seriously, I have clients around.

Andie: C'mon, I got a promotion today. We're celebrating. 

He doesn't change his mind. ANDIE changes tact.

I'll go straight to your room and sleep - I'm tired anyway

Gary: No, woah, Andie, respect my boundaries alright? I said no, so. So.

Andie: Are you fucking serious? Are you fucking serious, Gary? Why? Why are you like this?

GARY closes the door in her face. ANDIE  throws the bottle at the ground so it smashes. She furiously walks down the street, messaging everyone she's ever met to stay with them the night, each time she responds when they say no. She's by the train station, cars are racing by, people are jostling waiting for the lights to change. When they do, people start crossing the street. Someone runs by and knocks ANDIE' phone to the ground. She scrambles to pick it up and continue crossing when a car, driving too fast, crashes into her. Black.

Anne with an E: Andie with an IEWhere stories live. Discover now