16 1 0

*strong language throughout

The Blythe House

When GILBERT and ANDIE walk sheepishly through the kitchen door, JOHN is sat at the table with his head in his hands. He has been crying. He looks up and hugs ANDIE immediately which surprises her.

John: Oh thank goodness. 

Gilbert: Pa?

John: I didn't know!

When JOHN lets go of ANDIE she is bewildered. JOHN hands GILBERT the letter in his hand. 

John: My wife, Gilbert, your mother, she had a sister. She married a trading man, years and years before you were born and moved away. We lost contact; your grandparents were ashamed of her and your mother said very little even after they died.

GILBERT reads the letter. Then looks slowly to ANDIE.

Andie: What?

Gilbert: You're my cousin?

ANDIE is taken aback. GILBERT reads part of the letter aloud. 

"Sending your sixteen-year-old daughter on a boat across the ocean is no easy feat. But we are struggling to survive here. Since my husbands' death, we cannot make ends meet. But my Andraya is a hard-worker. Please. Please take care of her. She is your family. Your niece." 

ANDIE looks at the letter, the words swimming in her eyes. She didn't realise she was crying. 

Andie: Where did you get this?

John: It was in your coat pocket. My niece.

He hugs ANDIE again who looks bewildered.

You don't remember?

ANDIE shakes her head, saying nothing. JOHN speaks tenderly and slowly, like a father.

Your mother, she has asked if you can stay and work for us.

ANDIE grips the back of the chair with her hand.

Andie: This...doesn't make sense. I'm sixteen?

She walks to the window, in the window she sees her reflection. She doesn't look like herself at all.

Have you got a mirror?

GILBERT watches her. JOHN is crying.

John: In the bathroom.

ANDIE moves in the direction he's gestured in. In the mirror she sees that she looks very unlike herself. She is much younger, hair mousy-brown, very pale, skinny and gaunt. She looks at her hands and they are calloused.

Andie: What the fuck is going on? What the fuck is going on? What the fuck is going on? 


ANDIE has snuck out and is stood looking at the sky. GILBERT sees her through the window and comes out barefoot. She is sobbing. He doesn't say anything right away. 

Gilbert: The nights' are getting colder. 

Andie: Am I dead? 

She has snapped. Surprisingly angry. 

What am I doing here? 


Gilbert: Perhaps you really have just hit your head...

Anne with an E: Andie with an IEWhere stories live. Discover now