Act 1 - 008

1K 81 7

Alert:  Punishment Objectives completed.

Compensation for Surviving is as follows:

Status Recovery

Ten stat points.

Leveled Up. (2)


Title Unlocked: Whisper of the Worm

These are the messages that greeted me as soon as I woke up. I felt like I had the best sleep in my life despite tangling with what I imagined to be some Sea King or Leviathan swimming around in the depths.

I immediately headed to my stat screen to see that I received 14 points rather than ten. Probably because I finished parts of the objective and lost out on that one point because I didn't do ten planks.

Maybe the punishment isn't that bad? Ignoring the large body of water and the Sea Monster.

I finish up allocating the fourteen points I received so that I can get started on whatever comes next.

*****  *****  *****  *****  *****

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)             Level: 2

Job: None                          Fatigue: 0

Title: Whisper of the Worm

Hp: 348

Mp: 150

*****  *****   *****   *****   *****

Strength: 16

Agility: 12

Vitality: 12

Intelligence 12

Endurance: 22

Sense: 12

*****  *****  *****  *****  *****

"Is that how it is?" I mutter to myself.

Every level I receive puts a stat in all attributes and I get free points to allocate for doing basic things. Well, 'basic' objectives may as well vary between killing Satan and God at the same time.

I pumped ten stats in Endurance because my body can never keep up properly with anything I am trying to do. It has been the number one thing keeping me back is my Stamina and the fact that my body couldn't handle these powers.

Hopefully, this changes something.

I put the last four in strength. Maybe that does something for me as well.

Alert: Perks/Passives Unlocked


I pull up my status screen to see a bar at the bottom with my three new perks at the bottom. I press on each and a detailed explanation pops up for each.

[Muscle = lvl 0 -> 1]

Your body will grow with you, each milestone in the strength stat will give you more muscle. Physical appearance will be affected and morphed to support these changes. 

[Sprint = lvl 1 --> 2]

Your legs don't nearly feel as heavy anymore. Fatigue rate decreased by 15%, speed increased by 15%.

[Death March = lvl 0 --> 1]

You walked into and out of death's grasp multiple times. Death can have you when the march ends, it can pry your soul from your fighting corpse and even then you will prevail. 

Never giving up.

Unknown properties and effects. Yet to be determined.

I hover for a bit inspecting them all, the two of them make sense but I'll have to figure it out for myself how they feel... but the last one is giving me an uneasy feeling. I have nearly died twice now and it is giving me something in exchange for the situations it put me in.

I shake my head at it and burrow the thought in the back of my head.

I push myself out of the bed and head to the mirror beside my bed. I lift my shirt to see that the muscles have clearly developed. Even though, right now, it isn't much but I can definitely see that I am stronger more than I am feeling it.

I wonder if it would be better to fail the objectives rather than complete them. What if I get a punishment harder than the previous one?

I quickly look at my title.

[Whisper of the Worm]

It whispers to you, you heard it, you resisted.

I clench my fists and shut my eyes. I wasn't sure about this whole System but I can see that it truly is here to make me stronger. These are borrowed elements that you'd see in a MMO but why does it exist in the real world?

Who made it? Or is this a gift from some God?

Who is Argile?

So many questions and the only thing the system can do is give me guidance rather than direction. I-

"(Y/N)." I glance to the side to see Lauren walk in towards one of the desks with files. "Sorry for bothering you early but could you go and see Ashe now? If she doesn't respond just step through the door."

I nod, "Sure, doc."

I look back at myself. I do feel better about myself, I look better too.

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