Chapter 88: Aggressive

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After speaking, the male teacher immediately rushed out of the room, locked the door from the outside, and then walked away briskly, not knowing where he was going.

Inside the room, the female teacher walked up to Erniu and the others with a warm smile. "Little students, don't be afraid. We are not bad people."

Dawa couldn't help but think to himself, "Can we not be afraid? They locked us in the room as soon as they arrived."

Fang Fang had never encountered such a situation before, her legs trembling. "W-what do you want from us?"

Sanwa had a sullen face. "I told you that lady wasn't reliable. What kind of road is she talking about? This might not be the Shanghai Conservatory of Music but some kind of black factory."

Dahu thought it was highly possible and took a step forward, standing in front of the two girls. His voice trembling, he said, "Y-you don't have to be afraid. When the time comes, you run first, and we'll cover the rear."

The female teacher couldn't help but laugh and cry at this situation. She waved her hand. "We are not bad people. I really am a teacher." She pointed to the ID card hanging around her neck.

Daaa took a closer look and saw "Shanghai Conservatory of Music" on it, with the name Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu continued, "Even if I'm fake, everything you've seen on the way here—the teaching buildings, administrative building, artificial lake—they can't be fake, right?"

Dawa thought about it and realized that it made sense. It would be too costly to create all these things just to deceive them. But he still couldn't let his guard down. "Then why did the teacher lock the door just now?"

Zhou Yu thought to herself, "Isn't it because she's afraid that Shen Ya might run away?"

Of course, she couldn't say that out loud. She continued to hang onto her warm and sweet smile. "My dear little students, would you like to have something to eat or drink? I have black tea and imported cookies. Would you like to try them?"

When they heard about black tea and imported cookies, Dawa subconsciously swallowed his saliva. But then he remembered Ning Tang and Shen Lie's advice not to eat anything given by strangers when they're out, just in case they were drugged and sold somewhere.

So he firmly replied, "Even if we die of thirst or hunger, we won't eat your cookies or drink your tea."

Half an hour later.

Zhou Yu held the handle of her Ru porcelain teacup with her index finger, her pinky finger resting against the bottom of the cup. She elegantly sat on a stool, observing the five children voraciously devouring their food in front of her. Occasionally, she took a sip of tea. "So, all of you came from Hailang Island to study at a university in Shanghai. That's truly remarkable. Oh, so Shen Zhanping is Shen Xiangdong's older brother and Shen Ya's younger brother. Amazing, simply amazing."

Dawa continued to eat hungrily, not even bothering to respond to Zhou Yu's words. Sobbing internally, he thought, Mom, Dad, please don't blame us. These cookies and the exquisite black tea are just too delicious.

Zhou Yu, being a teacher after all, managed to uncover the backgrounds of all five children with just a few sentences.

Learning that Sanwa, at such a young age, was a swimmer training at the Naval Swimming Team's training base, she couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

The Naval Swimming Team might not have a prominent reputation outside, but in the eyes of the locals, it was considered a top-notch place.

She also carefully asked Dawa and found out that despite his mediocre overall score in the college entrance exam, he scored a perfect 120 in mathematics. Especially considering that this year's math exam was exceptionally difficult, she asked him, "You must be the top scorer in mathematics in your province, right?"

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