Chapter 13 - Long weekend arrivals

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CARMEN-July 1st

"Birth-giver, what time will they be arriving again?" Jackie's voice carried up the stairs as I finished changing. I had less than an hour before the guys and their families started arriving. Rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off, I had managed to hop into the shower, change, and I was now attempting to wrangle the twins off the clean linen I had just folded.

"EEEEEE-ma, look me!" I had all of two seconds to process the pile of laundry cascading to the floor with my laundry-surfing two-year old on top of the avalanche. Catching him before he left a bloody imprint of his face on the carpet, I set him outside of my bedroom, turning in time to see the pile of washcloths explode like a flurry of heavy snowflakes. All that work for NOTHING!

I called down to, "Anytime now, Jackie." Catching Alexander as the towels toppled like timber, I shouted. "Ian, please come get Alex and Graham out of my hair so I can finish the laundry, or trade jobs with me."

While I caught Alex, Graham snuck under my bed and wrapped his tiny hands around my ankle and dug his nails into the skin. Shrieking, I sat down and hauled him into my lap beside his brother. One on either side of my lap, I turned them to look into their hazel eyes. Mirror images of impishness stared at me. Graham reached up with his grubby paw and wiped the tear from my cheek. "I sowwy, Ima."

Alexander looked at me, tugged at my collar before lifting my shirt and burying his head under it. His go to response when he was in trouble was to nurse. Graham seeing his brother's actions, mimicked him.

Leaning back against the bed, I snuggled my two youngest as they each straddled a leg and lifted my breasts to nurse sitting straight up. I missed the days they would lie down, and I could rest for a moment. Now, they watched each other, holding hands, before beginning a game of peekaboo with my shirt. Excited giggles broke out as milk dripped down their chins. The next thing I knew, both boys were blowing raspberries on my boobs making milk bubbles.

Ian walked into find my exasperation covering my face. "What?"

Two loud raspberries gave him his answer, followed by giggling laughter.

"Where did my boys go, Ima? I see their mess. I thought you wanted me to take them." Ian pretended to search for the boys as he approached me.

"Oh, I do! I just got a shower and now I need another one." My smile broadened with the laughter bubbling up within me as I spoke to him. "I guess I'll get up and soak these messy lumps." He supported my elbows as I lifted myself and the boys off the floor.

"Honey, I think you grew several sizes. I need to see these enormous beauties." Lifting my shirt he hollered in mock surprise, pretending to cover me back up. "You grew heads! Yikes, I don't want those!"

Looking at the twin expressions of mischief, he surveyed the messy faces. "You two made Ima into a milk disaster. Just look at this." He pointed out the trails of milk to the two boys. "You need to fix this."

Grabbing a washcloth, he moved as if he was going to help me clean up. Instead, he dipped his head down, licked the only clean spot between my breasts, and gave me a huge raspberry. Both boys joined him until the three of them had me laughing because of the tickling vibrations. Pushing them all away, I stood up as Adam and Bianca came to investigate.

I prepared to push off the bed, after I turned over onto my hands and knees. Adam and Deanna took the opportunity join in and begin tickling my sides and the arches of my feet. I rolled onto the floor protecting as many ticklish surfaces as I could. As one of the kids found my knee, Ian rasped his whiskers over the skin at the base of my neck up to my ear, blowing a raspberry. A warm shiver of desire wound its way through my body as he tongued my ear.

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