Chapter 16 - Sharing more

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"Okay so now that we're up to speed on that, what's the deal with the stalker?" I looked at Carmen, still being held by Tim. She had withdrawn inwards discussing what she had gone through. I was ready to go beat Joe's ass for joining in on the hurt she endured. More than that, I was enraged that he KNEW what she went through and still stood as an accuser.

"Darling, look at me. I asked you a question, but you had a 100-yard stare. Do you need me to repeat it?" She turned her head towards me slowly as if surprised she was being addressed. "What's the stalker deal?"

"It's a dead-end. We suspected Sawyer was sending things using someone on the outside, but we could never prove it. We ran down all possible leads. We thought my brother might have been in on it for a while because it coincided with the few times he and I've seen each other or spoken over the years. He was quickly eliminated."

"At first, it was just harassing mail. Then, things would be left on my vehicles. Family, coworkers, and friends I hung out with received stuff, too. I learned to go to ground, move away, and keep everything about my personal or professional life off-line." Carmen dropped her head and extended her hands in a manner to ask "what else could I do." It's not like I was impossible to find but I didn't leave forwarding information when we moved. Every house we lived in was sold to an investment firm, which I own, but the records show someone else in charge."

Marty interrupted. "How do you think your stalker found you this time? With Sawyer dead, who could it be?"

"I have no clue. I didn't even tell anyone I was going back there. Those who knew I was there are right here, and I don't believe ANY of you would betray me like that. The biggest issue is that I was followed shortly after I got there. It's almost like I was under surveillance. I've shared this with the investigators, but they're acting like I will just have to endure." Leaning back against Tim's chest, his arms wrapped around her, Carmen looked defeated.

"No, Baby girl, you are not going to endure. You have a crowd here to help now. Besides we're more invested than they are." Taylor stood up to pace as he pondered aloud. "Ok. You came to town. Anyone other than me, Cora, and Evan know you were here before you arrived?"

"No, just my driver. My kids did but the only one who knew where I planned to be was Jackie. I just don't understand." Carmen let the helplessness feed into her voice.

Aidan shot up, circled the group, hands pulsing into fists, and a look of frustration on his face. He pulled out his phone and shot a text off. It chimed quickly in response. A flurry of text chimes drew everyone's attention as Aidan continued to exchange messages. Glancing back at the group, he saw he was the center of their focus. He approached Carmen and kneeled before her. "There is a break in the case. I'm getting all the details before I share what I know. Maybe someone will recognize how this all fits together. Oh, and Steven will be here in the next half hour. He decided to come on out."

Instantly, everyone was asking questions though Carmen stayed silent. Aidan caught her stare, and shrugged before saying, "I don't know if it will lead anywhere but stick with me Doll. Don't check out on me. I need to make you safe."

She released Tim and leaned towards Aidan, resting her forehead on his. Whispering softly, she calmed him, "I know. It's alright. I've got you all here so I'm ok." She placed her hands on his broad shoulders and pulled him in. Looking into her eyes, he leaned forward a touch and brushed a kiss against the side of her lips.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He tried to pull back, but she held him tight.

"It's fine. I didn't mind it, at all." She held his gaze and saw the moistness in the corner of his eye. Reaching up, Carmen caressed his cheek, wiping the moistness from him. "I'm glad to know you care, even after I disappeared." She paused before continuing, "I never stopped caring about you all either." With a flicker of a smile crinkling her eyes, she pressed her lips to his.

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