Chapter 18 - Tagged

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A/N: I hate the new dictates that eliminate an author's choice for double spacing after a sentence. It has been the most frustrating part of editing for the past few chapters. Please let me know if you find a place I've missed.

The fire crackled and shadows slowly enveloped the campfire as the last vestiges of sunlight faded. Shrieks and giggles punctuated the night as the insects serenaded the Carmen's family and Cora as they sat on the log benches. From the nearby woods, calls from the men encouraged the kids to race with flashlights and bags to a newly discovered snipe.

Carmen straddled the log with her back against Ian. In her lap, the twins were nursing and starting to relax. Ian hugged her and rubbed the boys' back as they grunted in satisfaction. Cora held the snoozing Bianca.

"Look behind that tree! It ran from the noise, you've gotta keep it down." The deep voice of Evan encouraged the kids to move silently.

Flashlight beams flickered as the kids sought the elusive snipes the men found. As grunts of discouragement were heard, another voice deeper in the woods called out. "It slipped by you. Come over here, I think it is under this log."

With renewed enthusiasm, the children raced to find Marty pointing to a fallen branch propped up on a moss covered rock at the base of the massive oak. Several smaller trees and bushes had started growing up, creating a partial cave-like hiding spot for the snipe. Tiptoeing quietly as they approached, Adam whispered yelled, "Do you still see it?" His flashlight lit up the nodding face of Marty who had a finger over his lips before it pointed to different positions the kids should take to sneak up.

Fanning out at his direction, the kids closed ranks to prevent another escape. A branch rustled above their heads as they approached. The bright white beams quickly scanned the leaves to see what made the noise. Not finding anything, the beams lit up the small area covered with small branches and leaves. The pine needle carpet under their feet muffled the sound of their steps as the children crept closer.

Frantic searches proved the space to be empty. The rumbling laughter deep in Nic's chest caused the kids to huff. "Again?! How did it get away this time?" Deanna fumed as she directed the beam directly into his face and noticed his grin. "We did what Marty said!"

"Sugar, sometimes snipe hunts fail. You can ask your Mom. She was there searching with us as kids. You didn't do anything wrong. They're sneaky little buggers." Lifting her up, Nic hugged her before tickling her with his day's growth. As she laughed with shaky breaths, he called to the other snipe hunters. "I think they've probably gone to bed by now. We'll have to try again tomorrow. Come on back to the fire."

Marty chased Adam back to the blazing fire, followed closely by Jackie. The men grinned as the exasperated kids whined to Carmen. With a sympathetic smile, she hugged the two kids in her lap, extending her hands to hold the older kids' hands. "Well that does happen. You could play flashlight freeze tag." The noise roused Bianca who wanted to be released from Cora's hold. "Take Bianca and the twins for a little bit then we can roast some marshmallows afterwards." The gleeful noise roused the twins as well.

With whoops of excitement, the younger kids ran up the garden paths to the orchard, flashlights pointing the way for the young feet. "Come on Spawn Point, you should play with us." Jackie stood before Carmen extending a flashlight. Before Carmen could take it, Cora stood between the two and grabbed the wrist holding the light.

"Jackie, I know you are teasing. However, I am going to ask you to respect my friend. You have younger siblings that are going to start mimicking everything you say and do. Don't make her life harder than it has to be." Cora's comments caused Jackie to pull up.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't think about how the Littles might see it. Will you join us?" Carmen stood while Cora spoke.

"Sure honey. I know you didn't mean anything by it. Let's forget about it and have some fun." Slipping her arm around Jackie's waist, Carmen leaned in to squeeze her in a reassuring way. "Coming Ian?"

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